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Monday, April 25, 2011

a story in a picture

(click to enlarge)


Unknown said...

oh boy! at least he is cute!! :)

LOVE his crib!!

Emily said...

Gotta love it when they learn how to remove their diapers--bust out the duct tape, babe! ;)

kendahl a. said...

Start duct-taping the diaper before it's too late! I had a friend with a crazy little boy, and it all started innocently like this. Within a couple of days, he was smearing not-so-pleasant things on the wall. Duct tape!!

kenna said...

the best part of waking up...

yeah i can't finish that line without being gross.

the nayz said...

yea, we had alot of this going on to the point that we had to duct tape Alex's diapers at night!! good luck with that!

Greg and Heather said...

Too funny!!!

Nancy said...

Nice! Diaper off, socks on.