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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

over share.

Do you ever feel like with all of the social media sites out there the possibilities are endless to over share?

I remember one time using the "check in" option on Facebook, and my Sista called me right away proclaiming "I don't care that you are at Target!  Disneyland, yes...or the airport...but Target!"

Since then I got addicted to Foursquare, and the craze for checking in at destinations has become addicting...all to see if my next check in will bring me Mayorship at my favorite hot spots.  Yes, I realize I am ridiculous.

So where do you draw the line on what you share on the internet?  Some choose private blogs, some don't participate in Twitter or Facebook for one reason or another...

What do you do and why?

aaand go.


AubreyMo said...

I don't see the appeal in checking in places but that's because I am extremely lazy.

I don't share pictures/stories of other people without their permission (except for the other day, when I posted a picture of my grandma and she threw a hissy fit about it. . .lesson learned)

Other than that, if it involves Kevin, my sister or my sisters kids - three things I normally blog about, I make sure I run it past them if it's something they might take offense to. Also, I don't blog my address or put it publicly on Facebook groups, but that's because I have a fear of being home alone and someone finding me!!

Kristina P. said...

I think one of the reasons I don't use Twitter is because I often just feel so oversaturated. I blog and use FB. I don't need to use every single social media item out there.

Plus, I often feel like people get so caught up in posting about what they are doing, they don't actually DO it.

dust and kam said...

Meh. Apparently I don't care who knows everything about me, cause I use it all. :) Oh, and I only wish I had a smart phone so I could check in at home 14 times a day, cause I am awesome like that. :)

I do have most of my stuff on private, except for my blog... cause well... I hate private blogs.

I generally don't post stuff about other people... but I have so I can't even say that. Like, your birthday, your pizza party, you know, stuff like that.

I love watching where you check in everyday.

Does that make me ridiculous?

Tiffany said...

Ummmm.... I'm so afraid of overshare but it DRIVES ME NUTS when I see people on facebook ALL the time but yet they NEVER update their status... LAME. And because my "thoughts" got me in trouble and actually caused me to have a nervous breakdown about a year ago, I watch my thoughts a little better, especially when it comes to money....
Oh I facebook because of my family and a few friends... I still can't get on the Twitter bandwagon...

Jerilee E. said...

When it comes to FB, I wish people would make an effort to just post things that other might actually care about :). I try to do this but it doesn't always work- and then I get sad at myself and vow to never post anything again!
I have younger relatives as FB friends who just say anything and everything about their lives. It's a fun read for me but- seriously- is nothing private anymore?!?
I still don't understand Twitter- so I usually only use it for extra giveaway entries ;)

Emily said...

I'm actually getting a bit burned out on the sharing thing. As of Sunday I stopped trying to check in every place we went. It just got too crazy and time consuming if it took a while to find the dang location. It actually wasn't hard to cut back at all. I started asking myself what the crap was so important about a mayorship anyway? I am still on it but only for the specials like the free chips & salsa from Chili's. ;)

Kalli said...

I don't dig the checking in at all. I'm pretty careful about what I tweet or blog about. I never say exactly where I live because I don't want to make it easy for creepos to find me or to broadcast that I'm not home.

I get super paranoid about things at times.

And you know how I feel about facebook.

Heather said...

Well my blog is designed to be a reflection of what I do in a day and that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. I usually give a TMI warning before I say something but I think most people read past those just out of curiousity right?

The Circus said...

I loathe people who over share negative. I'm not talking blogs because it seems on blogs there's conversation, structure, growth... or at least the blogs I stalk. But on facebook... I have deleted people because of the endless negativity and complaining. I share tender items on my blog (about to post about one now actually...) but I REFUSE to do it on facebook. I only do happy or funny things there.

Michelle said...

I facebook for family and ideas on how to have a better classroom. I tweet mostly for work-related stuff. I don't do the check in thing, then again, I don't really go to many stores and I don't really have the desire to tell everyone where I am all day. I would say I'd be mayor of my bed if I could check in to it. :)