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Friday, July 8, 2011

not myself.

If you live with me, work with me, talk to me on the already know I am not feeling right.

A couple of days ago I decided that I hated my blog, and that I just needed to walk away from it forever.  Today when I woke up, I don't feel as strongly about it...but rather I need to just take a blog break. I decided to wipe my cute background clean, and start over.  Wiping away what once was, and starting a new me...simple and plain.

I am feeling the need to sensor my words and thoughts online.  It feels weird, because I usually don't have a filter.  I am hoping after next week, I will start feeling better {I have a big appointment}.  Maybe I will be able to explain where my head has been.

Thank you to those people that have stuck around to comment, call me when they are thinking of me, plan playdates, and send me those sweet random emails. Life savers, truly.

Above all I need to thank Paul and Savannah {and Devin too}...who have cleaned the house, pulled weeds, planned movie dates, called to say I love you, showed up to eat lunch at my work, smiled when I couldn't, and loved me even though I know I have not been nice.  You are what matters in my life, and I love that you are mine.

It might take a weekend, it might take a month...but I am signing off. 

Whenever I decide to return, I hope I will have lots of good to tell you.

post edit: if we are not facebook friends, will you please look me up.  I wanna stay connected.


kenna said...

you know i adore you, and i'm going to be around regardless of the blog.

although i will always praise your blog, as it's what made us a couple.

Mrs. O said...

Sometimes stepping back is all that's needed. Love you.

Michelle said...

do what you feel is best. I'll still love you just the same.

Cathy said...

I'm not feeling like me either. It sucks. I hope you're back soon.

Unknown said...

My life won't be the same if you don't blog! I heart your blog and your darling family

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Hey Von - I hope you start feeling back to normal ASAP and keep up the blogging. I know sometimes I feel like giving it up altogether, but then I realize I blog for me, not for anyone else. I love looking back and seeing things we've done. Anyways, thinking of you and hope you'll be back sooner rather than later!

kendahl a. said...

I'm sorry you're feeling not yourself! Hopefully that big appointment will do you well. I understand what you're going through. If you need anything, let me know. Really.

Kristina P. said...

I've been enjoying my blog break. I think it's going to help me be excited to blog again.

Emily said...

Take as long as you want. We will still be here. Love you!

jayni & ben said...

i like the new look. nice and clean. can we please get together and meet at "our spot" i am sure our kids won't be anything but trouble. but i miss you and your cute kids.

Rachel Sue said...

Will miss you. But I get it. I hope everything gets back to where you need it to be.

Pam Baumeister said...

You're allowed a break...and sometimes walking away is what you need. Take the time for yourself and we'll be here offline or online.

Frieda Loves Bread said...

I agree with what everyone else has said so far ~ we all need to take a step back and re-discover ourselves. Do what you love and LOVE what you do!

The Stanley's said...

sorry to hear your not feeling yourself. Take care of yourself but know you will be missed!

Cranberryfries said...

Enjoy the break and dont think twice about the blog. It'll be here, and so will we when you come back. I'd love to set up a lunch date with you sometime! Lets chat on fb and make it happen.

Vanessa said...

you are in a hard position. have you ever thought of going private? my blog really is just becoming our family journal and i never want to let that go. would you ever consider that?

Jil ~ said...

Von - You are such a sweet, sweet gal. I've loved reading your blog and know you are struggling. Ya know what, it's okay! We're here to love and support you. Take the time you need. Get re-energized and then do what you need to so that you can feel healthy and happy! Enjoy time with your family and just taking time off for the summer! We'll be here when you come back and we're looking forward to that beautiful smile you so lovingly share!