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Friday, July 22, 2011

UPS Freight is a joke.

It is true that we know our UPS man by his first name.  He is lovely to deal with, and takes time out of his busy day to make Van feel special.

It is true that we adore the UPS Store, and it is hands down better than the post office in our area.

It is true that UPS Freight should learn something from our UPS man, and the UPS store.

We have a lot of stuff shipped to our house.  We have used UPS Freight A.LOT, and it hasn't ended well any of those times.  I guess when you get a good deal on the shipping price, you don't need to have customer service.

UPS Freight hasn't come on time once, and sometimes they don't even come on the day they tell us they will.  UPS Freight will charge extra for a lift gate on the truck, and then conveniently load our pallet on a truck that doesn't have one.  UPS Freight never calls, we are always trying to figure out what is going on.  UPS Freight doesn't apologize for anything, and makes the customer feel like it is "our problem".

As Paul told me about his experience with UPS Freight yesterday, I thought he was joking.

First of all they were only an hour and half late {this is actually pretty good for them}.  The truck driver made no apology for being late, no apology for having no lift gate, no apology for not calling, etc.  None of which was shocking, but very normal.  What was shocking is this...

He asked Paul if he lived in his parents basement...whaaaa?
He asked Paul how much our house was worth...whaaaa?
He asked Paul how much he makes....whaaaa?

You can't make this stuff up.  If I thought they had bad customer service before, they went out and one-upped themselves!


AubreyMo said...

He should have rounded the entire conversation off by asking for Pauls social...Jeez that's ridiculous. Sounds like you definitely need to complain to some higher-ups and give UPS Freight a fright (dumb joke). Hope things get better!

Vanessa said...

wait wait wait i want to make sure i am reading this right


Tiffany said...

WHAAAA???? That is crazy dumb. Happy you blogged something though ;)

kendahl a. said...

They are really ridiculous. It's amazing how they can go from being so awesome (regular UPS) to so horrible (UPS Freight). Shipping sucks sometimes.

Jerilee E. said...

ah geez- what a joke! I love our neighborhood UPS guy... how can they let their company run so poorly?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL RIDICULOUS! What did Paul do?? I swear I would have been up in his face. hahaha!

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

What a joke! It reminds me of my husband's trip to the Home Depot the other day where he overheard a Home Depot employee asking a customer if her husband was a good father figure. Whaaa? is right! I would report that guy!