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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ride UTA

I remember when Paul and I were poor newlyweds, and we were always looking for free stuff to do on the weekends.  We definitely were a lot more creative back then, and easily amused.

One time UTA had some sort of promotion going on that you could get 8 free bus passes to use...maybe you had to do a survey or something.  I can't remember specifics {give me a break it was like 12 years ago!}.  We got those 8 free passes, and my Dad even did it for we ended up with 16 passes to use!

Paul and I would map out how we would get from point A to B and back again...and we even made sure we got free lunch at the furniture store on our route!  Aaaah, those were the days.  It made for some fun memories.

When UTA asked me to come ride the new Mid-Jordan TRAX line I couldn't resist saying yes. 
Van has been talking about riding the bus ever since her school field trip in May, and I can't remember the last time I took her on TRAX.  She thinks it is awesome that on the bus and train she doesn't have to wear a seat belt! 
It was fun making memories with my kids, and it helped that the train stopped at one our favorite hot spots where we had lunch!  I am definitely a fan of public transportation, and since they are making TRAX in my neck of the woods now...there will be a lot more train trips!
Wanna make some fun memories of your own?  I will give one lucky reader a pass that will allow you and 3 others to ride the bus, TRAX, or FrontRunner for FREE...just comment.  Children 6 and under ride free. Yeeehaw!

Thank you Emily  and Vanessa for being my personal photographers...since I decided to be slightly scatter brained that morning! :)


Cal said...

I would love to do that with my kids. sounds fun.

Jerilee E. said...

yeah, my kids have NEVER been on TRAX. Since almost all of my kids are under 6, 4 passes would be perfect :).

Michelle said...

Jenna has been asking me to take her on FrontRunner. I barely rode Trax for the first time less than a year ago. It'd be fun to take her on FrontRunner down to Gateway and have a girls day.

Angie said...

We love FrontRunner and Trax! We live in Davis County and UTA is the easiest and most convenient way for us to get to "the city." :) My girls think it's quite the adventure!

Alyssa said...

I would LOVE to go!!!

the nayz said...

I am sooo excited for this. We are already planning a trip on Front Runner to Ogden next month. And, I want to take the kids downtown to The Gateway fountains before school starts again.

Tiffany said...

You get to have all the fun!! Ahh Frontrunner, all my good intentions and we still haven't ridden it. I'm way excited for the new TRAX line!! Cute pics!!