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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

when it rains it pours.

Van had been begging me to do something all afternoon.  One of our goals this summer was that we were going to do a nature walk.  I decided it was a perfect day to venture, because it wasn't unbearably hot.
What I should have noticed is the BIG black cloud headed directly to our trail.

We walked and walked...we felt a few rain drops here and there.  It felt good.  I decided that I was definitely going to drag some props up this mountain next time so that I could take some really cool photos of my Paul some money and use my nice camera for good.
All of the sudden those sprinkles of rain turned to a DOWN POUR! We were a mile away from home, and not prepared.  So we did what most would do...

RUN like a couple of girls screaming for help!
Paul tried calling me, but I didn't hear my phone ring...because we were screaming. :)  He thought that we had gotten lucky enough to take cover at a neighbors house, or something.

I couldn't help but laugh.  Of course this would happen, because I didn't even want to leave the house.
{scary picture of me, but this was right when we walked in the door...Paul had towels in hand waiting for us}

We honestly looked like we had taken showers by the time we got back home.  Poor baby Vin was bawling, because he was not only soaked, but he was sooo cold. One of my lovely neighbors did stop and ask if we needed an umbrella...but we were like 5 houses away at that point.

Not our most successful adventure, but definitely had the memorable factor.


Emily said...

Honestly, the most memorable ones are often the best! You will have that story to tell for years to come!

Kristina P. said...

All you can do is enjoy it! Just like Noah and Allie do in The Notebook, the quintessential American love story.

kendahl a. said...

I love that Kristina just referenced the Notebook. :)

I love getting caught in the rain like that though. I love the smell, I love the sound... I have a romance for rain. In a not pervy way, of course.

Glad you're back!

Vanessa said...

woo hoo! i am so proud of you for doing a nature walk :) and having fun when it didn't end up like it was spsd to

Rebecca said...

Seriously so fun! I love that Paul was waiting with towels for you.