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Thursday, November 3, 2011


I have had one of those mornings already, and it's 8:47 AM.  Can't wait to see what else will be included in this day...sarcasm included.

I laugh when people say that a baby is hard, and people that have teenagers probably laugh at me when I say a 7 year old is hard. Yes, a baby cries...but they don't talk back, all they want to do is eat and poop, and snuggle!  Not a shabby gig.

Gone are the days that Van will sit and watch TV while I fix her hair, let me pick out her clothes, or think I am cool when I sing {I get the eye roll, and the "Mom, you are embarassing me" line now}.  Those are all a thing of the past. 

We have fights every morning I make her take a bath. We fight over wearing clothes instead of pajamas. We fight over brushing her hair. We fight over cleaning her bedroom, and the list could go on.

This morning after she had been in the bath for over 35 minutes, and we were well on our way to being late for school...I realized I am in big trouble when she is a teenager.
Man, she is a beautiful girl, and she is matter how many fights, or how many times I have to help her clean up her messy room...I love her.

Let's just hope she starts learning time management before I go crazy.


kendahl a. said...

This is probably the biggest reason I am glad we only have Hailey on weekends - we don't have to worry about her taking her time. She's not too great about time management, either (25 minutes to get dressed, 45 minutes in the shower...). Good luck!!

~kamie~ said...

i just love her. she is a beautiful girly. good luck. ;)

Tiffany said...

This morning my heart has truly been aching for a girl. Van is beautiful and she has spirit and spunk, treasure her. Not that you don't, everything that is hard is usually worth the fight.

Jerilee E. said...

She is just beautiful... which isn't going to make the teenage years any easier, I'm afraid ;).
This sort of morning sounds very familiar. I would gladly take the cute toddler/baby phase over the talking back to mom phase! I'm so not ready for teenagers.

Rebecca said...

You're describing my life with Lydia, and she is only three! So hard! Good luck!

Steph said...

My husband always says mornings don't count. Sometimes he is smart.

Greg and Heather said...

And it's the same at my house times 3. Luckily Blake's not at that point YET. Love the Halloween costumes.

Unknown said...

I am so behind on my blog reading! We are having the same issues at our house. I can't believe how much more difficult Andy is now being in First Grade, and I can't even begin to think about the teenage years!