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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

here one day, gone the next.

People always say you should wait to announce your pregnant until you are in your second trimester, in case something happens. I have never been one of those that waited though. I think a baby should be matter what!
baby #3 bump

A few days ago I got notification from my app that I had officially started my second trimester. I thought...well, I am officially out of the scary part. Even though I never have had a miscarriage, a Momma still worries.

Last night my body finally gave up on this pregnancy business, and I miscarried our baby. As shocking as it was to be pregnant with this baby, it is was just as shocking to lose this baby.

I don't regret telling people early, I would have told everyone just a few days ago anyway...I was after all in my second trimester...when it is suppose to be "safe".

I have cried. I have felt angry that I went through 6 weeks of feeling like shit for nothing. I have felt tremendous love for my family, and those people who have supported me through all the crazy.  Thank you for being apart of my life, and for always being there to pick me up when I feel low.

Mucho love.


Kristina P. said...

Oh, Evonne, I am so sorry. I know how excited you and your family was. I wish I could give you big squishy hugs right now.

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

:( Oh Von..
I am so sorry...

I think that's one of the most parts of a miscarriage, the wasted time. And the wasted energy..

I'm sorry...

Unknown said...

I am so sorry, my heart breaks for all of you. So much for doing my make-up today. Words can not express the feelings you are going through. When we lost ours we were in the same boat, shock and surprise and finally jumped in with both feet excited and ready to accept we were having a baby just to have it all taken from us days later. I feel the emotions along with you just like it was yesterday. *hugs*

angie clayson said...

{{{hugs}}}. So sorry to hear that Evonne. I've been there too. Thinking about you and praying for you. :(

Jerilee E. said...

I am so sorry! Please let me know if I can do anything!

Anonymous said...

I know so many people who wait until the second trimester to tell people they're pregnant, and I've never understood that. Having lost 3 pregnancies, I've always felt if I expect people to mourn with me, I want them to at least feel the joy with me as well.

I'm so sorry for your loss. So many people don't understand that when you lose a baby, you lose the entire life you envisioned for that baby, and that just hurts like hell.

I wish I could say something to make it hurt less. Know that I'm thinking of you and I love you.

~ Jenny (@jenndola)

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Oh no! :(

Can I blame that bra for this, too?

Hugs and prayers, my friend.

The Meier family said...

Evonne, I am so sorry! :( Know that I am praying for you and your sweet family. Much love, Candice

Unknown said...

This hurts my soul and I cannot breath for you. Oh Evonne. My heart aches. Tears rolling. What can I do for you my friend? I love you and this sucks huge goat balls. Prayers and huge hugs your way. Lean on me please. Much love.

AubreyMo said...

I'm so sorry love. I'm glad you told us though so we could celebrate, if only for a short time along with you. Let me know if your family needs anything. Wish I could give you a big hug and watch your two oldest for you, so you could get some rest and watch a chick flick or two. Mucho love.

Tiffany said...

Having lost my first 2 pregnancies, I know your pain and I'm SO SO sorry. The first one wasn't horrible, I got a positive pregnancy test then miscarried 4 days later, the second one, well that was a horrible, heart wrenching experience, we had only been married for 3 months when we found out I was preg, I was 12 weeks, we had just heard the heartbeat and then it was just suddenly gone and over. Call, text or email if you would like. I will be thinking of you and your fam.

Cathy said...

I'm so sorry, Evonne. Very sad.

Paige Taylor Evans said...

I'm so so so so so incredibly sorry :(

Crystal Renee said...

I am so so sorry Von. I will say a prayer for you all today!

dust and kam said...

love you, my friend.

Frieda Loves Bread said...

I'm so very sorry ~ words just can't express the loss you must feel. Let yourself cry, be angry, etc.... ((hugs)) to you and your family.

kendahl a. said...

I know what you're going through and I'm so sorry! If I can do anything at all, let me know. :(

Kim said...

Oh babe, I am so sorry. This blows. Give yourself time to grieve and let yourself feel whatever you need to. Love you sweetie!

Rebecca said...

I'm so so sorry Evonne.

Rachel Sue said...

So sorry Von. You are in my prayers. If there is more I can do, let me know. I mean that.

calcrz said...

Aw hun! I'm glad you told us so we could celebrate and be sad with you now. It sucks to go through this alone. I'm here for you if you need me. My sister has gone through 5 miscarriages before the doctor found the problem (she needed extra folic acid, I think) and now she was able to have 2 more baby boys. She already had 2 beautiful girls before all the miscarriages. Hang in there, dear! xoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Oh Evonne, I know nothing I could possibly say would make you feel any better, but I am soooo sorry! You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Kalli said...

Crappity crap.

So sorry Von, it sucks to be a member of this club.


Living the Scream said...

Know that you and your family are in Brandon's and I's prayers.

Alyssa said...

I'm so, so sorry....

Mrs. O said...

What Jenny and Kalli said. I feel for you, I really do. It's unfair to have that taken from you. I was glad to celebrate with you and wish I could give you a big squeezy hug

Vanessa said...

It is hard to go through something like this when you have a husband that works so much cause they are self employed. And then when you have no family around to run over and help you just rest. Entertain the kids, you know. I wish my kids weren't so sick so I COULD COME HELP! Please just watch movies and eat junk and let the house get trashed. Your body needs to rest.

Unknown said...

Oh I am crying for you. I am soooooo sorry. (( hugs))

Emily said...

My heart is super sad for you. I miscarried at around 8 weeks and was devastated. For a really long time. Sending you my love and lots of it.

P.S. Kim's comment about it sucking big goat balls had me laughing out loud. She rocks. As do you.

Steph said...

I have been where you are a couple of times. It sucks worse than big goat balls... it sucks hairy donkey balls. I am sending you giant hugs and an ice cold Coke.

Lindsey from The R House said...

I love you.

Ashley said...

Oodles of Loveland prayers from here to there. I'm so sorry.

the nayz said...

{hugs} to you. I am so sorry this happened. All my love!!

the nayz said...

{hugs} to you. I am so sorry this happened. All my love!!

Cranberryfries said...

I'm so sorry.

Michelle said...

Nothing to say but (((hugs))) and loves and prayers being sent your way.

Unknown said...

Oh Evonne, I am so very sorry, I know exactly the mixed feelings that you are feeling. I have had one, last November. If you ever need to talk my line is open. I will keep you guys in our prayers. Here is a Quote, that someone very close and dear to my heart gave me when I Miscarried. I just thought it was a beautiful quote.

‎"An Angel in the book of life wrote down our baby's birth, and whispered as she closed the book..."Too beautiful for earth." -author unknown

I am truly sorry for your loss, it is heartbreaking...

The Barron's said...

Oh goodness!! I had not read your blog so I didn't know!!! I saw your facebook posts and I saw people giving you things and really didn't think to much of it.. cause you are awesome and I knew that and you have such great people in your life and so.. I thought yeah.,. of course people woudl randomly send her stuff.. why not... So although for you no reason is necessary for fun stuff.. I sm so sorry there is a reason this time.
Speaking from expereince there is just nothing good about this stuff. It just plain SUCKS! and nothing anyone really said made me feel better ... although I appreciated it.

Time... Time ... Time...
and in the meantime.... ifyou need anything!!! Call me!!!!