If you didn't already know, I am addicted to McDonald's Coke. I have been for years. Our highschool was right next to a McDonald's and I would go there for lunch and order a #2 combo...which was the 2 cheeseburger meal...now it is a #4. Oh yes, I still order it 10+ years later. Some habits never die.
The kids and I were invited to test out McDonald's new Happy Meal, and while the kids were busy eating...I took a tour of the kitchen to find out why their Coke is so addicting. The tour was completely fasinating, and gave me a new respect for those little worker bee's in the back. I had no idea how structured everything was, I don't think I could work under so much pressure. Kudo's to them.
{look at how cute Lindsey is being the attentive Mommy, I love it}
Not only did I find out the secret for making the BEST Coke ever, I found out my kids prefer the apples over the fries. Who knew.
The new Happy Meal will now come with both a smaller serving a fries, and a small serving of apples. When I cracked open Devi's Happy Meal, he didn't even touch the fries...I mean I am not complaining, because I ate them all. :) Of course, Savannah polished off everything, and was hungry like 20 minutes later. That is how we roll around here!
The secret to the best Coke ever...Coke services their machines. You know how most restaurants just hook up more "juice" when they run out...McDonald's doesn't. Coke comes once a week, and maintains the machine. Add to that they have chilled lines so your Coke is already cold when it hits your ice...we have got perfection up in here!
So, here is the really fun part!
One lucky reader will receive a McDonald's play date package! It includes...
10 gift certificates for the New Happy Meal, 3 gift certificates for the Premium Salads, and 3 gift certificates for the Premium Chicken Sandwiches...take your lady friends to enjoy a Coke over lunch, while your kids play!! Sounds like perfection to me.
This giveaway will close Thursday the 15th, Midnight. I will be sending an email to winner Friday. :)
PS Thank you to all my friends for letting me steal their pictures of this event! :)
Disclosure: I received free meals, a fun night out, and great convo's with my friends...but all opinions are my very own!
I love their fries and their salads. This is the perfect giveaway. :)
I also order the #4 but I get mine with no meat. LOVE McDonalds coke, but I really don't like how they changed the kids meals, my kids won't eat the apples and I think that they don't taste that good, so they always go to waste. I would like to be the one who makes the decision if I want my kids to have fries or apples. Soap box is over!
I love the new happy meal, as does Gagers. I always drink diet coke... unless i am at mickey d's, then it's real coke all the way!! I love this. I wanna win. We need a lunch date.
I didn't even know they had a new happy meal!! Looks like a fun giveaway!!
My kids prefer the apples as well, but I'm the horrible mom who always still orders fries for them. Hooray for McDonalds changing the happy meal!
And hooray for giveaways!
My boys love the new happy meals even though Ryker could eat like 3 on his very own... I would love this then we could have a play date :). Well not like we couldn't anyways..
Yes ~ this is the perfect playdate...Coke and fries anyone?
Sweet!! I want in on this!!! I've always said they have the best coke...I thought it was that they had their own recipe!!
We've had the apples in our happy meals in Aussie for about two years now. The children can also choose popper bottle apple juice instead of soda/pop/fizzy (I forget what you guys call it lol).
And I am SO addicted to McD's diet coke. Bottle of diet coke? FORGET IT if there is McD's nearby!
I had heard rumors about McD's coke that they had their own canisters, now I know its not a rumor, very cool!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE McD's Coke. I may stop drinking from everywhere BUT there. And the kids LOVE McDonald's its their own form of heroin.
Fun! I love the new fries. That little red box is too cute. My kids don't like the apples so I get to eat them. Hooray!
If I won I would pass it along to a family in my ward that is low on mula and needs a night out. Back in high school I ordered the same meal!! how funny :)
I wanna win! You know I have the same addiction.
Must have a coke!
What a fun giveaway! Good ol Mickey D's has saved our dinner time more times than I'd like to admit! And I love that the kids meals will come with both fries and apples! My kids can never decide.
My girls love McDonald's! They love that the Happy Meals come with cool toys! Me...I go for 3/4 Diet Coke and top it off with the real stuff (Coke!) We would love to win! ~Tracey
Cool! Sounds fun!
I love their apple dippers, but always choose fries because I want the salt. I'm so glad I get both now (yes, I still get the Happy Meals)
I LOVE McD's Coca-Cola!!!!! We've tried the new Happy Meals....and my youngest prefers the apples...and my oldest prefers the fries....they do a swap and everyone is happy!!
Fun giveaway! So would love to take all my kids (and some of their cousins)out for a playdate they always beg to go and get Happy Meals but with so many kids it adds up so we usually hit drive thrus other than McDonalds for the dollar menu's. I do love McDonalds fries(favorite ever, probably not a good thing LOL)..and their berry smoothies are the best snack ever. Don't usually drink Coke but think I need to there to see whats so great about it :) and of course get one of their salads. Thanks for the chance to win..crossing my fingers we can take them out and surprise them next week with this :) Hope you are doing well.
Merry Christmas!!!
Pick me pick me. :) I love mcds diet coke. I also livw their fries. Mmm. Now I want some
How cute are you? Thank you so much for your amazing blog! Mcdonalds has always been one of our family fav's. I have never really been a coke person, however i did get one from Mcdonald's and i do see a new addiction in my life! :) Again Evonne thank you for your blog, you are an amazing, mommy and sister freind!! Love ya!!
THAT IS MY FAVORITE PLACE TO EAT ON THE PLANET! PLEASE PICK ME! All you people who are saying..."but havent you seen SuperSize ME?" To all of you I say, yes. Supersize my happiness and the size of my wallet!
Oh my gosh I love McD's coke too. It's the best around! So glad you let the secret out about how they keep it so yummy! My kids love to eat at McD's and I certainly won't complain when a good coke is in the plans. :)
P.S. Pick me!
Because of you I had to go get a McD's kid's meal for lunch. Yum! (except my apples were soggy!!). My Coke was AWESOME!
Gah! I am so behind on everything, I almost missed this! This would about cover me and my kids for one meal ;).
All of my kids choose the apples over fries, too!
On behalf of the Utah McDonald's restaurants, thank you and have a very happy holiday. The winner's package is going in the mail today.
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