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Friday, December 30, 2011

oh boy, or should I say girl.

5 weeks ago I went through what I thought was a miscarriage.  I called my Midwife, and told her what happened.  She said "Oh boy, you had a miscarriage, and it sounds like your body is doing exactly what it is suppose to. You should feel better in 2-3 weeks."  She also said that because she was a Midwife she couldn't perform a D&C, and I would have to go to my OBGYN for that.  

So, I waited. 

2 weeks came and went, and I was still sick,

3 weeks came and went, and I was still sick.

When I say sick, I mean throwing up and bleeding. {Maybe a little TMI}.

Today we are almost 5 weeks post miscarriage, and I feel like shiz.  Paul woke up this morning, and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...go to the OBGYN today.  We were both sick of dealing with this.

I make numerous phone calls, and it is finally decided we would go in for an ultra sound...and then make a plan of action...D&C, a pill that helps, etc. The nurse gave me a bunch of scenarios, and I was hoping for none of them.

Even though both kids are sick, we all loaded in the car for the appointment...because Paul was afraid of bad news and me being alone.  {side note: can someone please give Paul a huge gold star!!}

I went by myself with the ultrasound tech to a small room, and after she asked me "What news do you not want to hear?"  and me saying "Um, I hope you tell me I am not pregnant, because that would be weird!"  She says "Well, I hope I give you the news you are hoping for!"

 AND THEN I CRIED LOUD ENOUGH PAUL CAME IN THE ROOM...and we found out that our baby is this...

And now together can we say...I am on a freakin' roller coaster of emotions!


Emily said...

HOLY CRAP!!! That must be the world's craziest roller coaster ride. At this rate, you better stock up on some cases of Dramamine... I am so happy for you! And I bet Van is beyond excited for a little sister. (Vin and George can hang out and swap "I'm the only boy amidst a bunch of girls" stories.)


Krystal said...

Yay!!! Glad you haven't been feeling like shiz for nothing. Please stick with doctors who can really help you and not give you false information. So excited :)

~j. said...


Jerilee E. said...

This is the best blog post I have EVER read!!! Best news ever! Must be nice to know you were not feeling like crap for nothing :)

Jerilee E. said...

and you can clearly already tell that it's one stinkin cute baby girl!

DisabilityDiva said...

What a miracle and yes a roller coaster she is one tough cookie like her mama!!

Unknown said...

Holy crap. Soooo happy

Unknown said...

Holy crap. Soooo happy

Cathy said...

Holy cow! Amazing! I'm so happy for you!

Cranberryfries said...

Wow that is crazy and fun news. How miserable to be sick all this time and deal with all those extra hard realities though. I'm so sorry for all that but hooray for a happier ending.

Rebecca said...

How crazy! I'm so happy for you!

Kalli said...

Dude that is crazy pants! Did you have a subchorionic hemorrhage or what?

Congrats on another beautiful baby girl! Merry late Christmas!

Unknown said...

This is great news! Congrats!

Em said...

YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! (I screaming with glee this WHOLE POST!!!!) BEST. NEWS. EVER. Love this and could not be happier for your precious little girl!!!!!!!! Whoo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

Camille said...

THAT'S what I'm talking about! So happy for you!

Unknown said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! That is insane!! So happy for you and so happy that you get to end this year on such a fabulous note. She's gonna be so beautiful, can't wait to see her! :)

moosh in indy. said...

I have hurty goosebumps for you!!!!

Jil ~ said...

So happy for you and your family!! I agree Paul deserves much more than a gold star!! I'm so glad the mid-wife couldn't do a D&C. Such awesome news!!

Heather said...

God sure is great!!! YAY!

Amy said...

God is so good. You DESERVE this miracle Von! Happy day for the sell family!

Mrs. O said...

Um, so FREAKING AWESOME!!! I'm so happy for you and I hope the rest of your pregnancy is nice and calm.

Living the Scream said...

Best photo's ever! Love this post. SO happy for you and your cute family!!!

Dombeck Family said...

Wow how amazing is that!!!

Congrats to your family! We will continue to pray for you and a healthy baby!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! What an incredible miracle! I don't think I have ever heard better news! I love it! I hope you start feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! What an incredible miracle! I don't think I have ever heard better news! I love it! I hope you start feeling better soon!

kendahl a. said...

Wow! Congrats, if that's what you want. :) Definitely weird, but also good! Another darling Sell girl. Yay!

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

That is awesome. Congrats!!

~kamie~ said...

do you feel like you can conquer the world? that's how this makes me feel. xoxo

Brenda said...

What wonderful news!! I hope this next year is amazing with your new little girl!!! Congratulations!

Rachel Sue said...

HOORAY! That is the best news EVER! SO happy for you!

Jen Stewart said...

Oh my goodness! How wonderful to think you are going in for bad news, and to come out with that!