I lived in such a bubble before I had this miscarriage.
Who knew that I would still be throwing up, and nauseous after a week!? Well, I guess my Midwife knew, but I didn't believe her...or at least I hoped I would be different. I still wake up and feel very much pregnant, except I am not. It is odd, really.
I have so many posts that I want to write, and yet all the words don't seem to do my emotions justice.
All I can do right now is try to dig out of this messy house I have let go the past two months, and trust me I didn't do much around these parts. Oh, and get ready for Santa to come, because it is like 19 days away according to Savannah.
I can't tell you how sorry I am. I wish I lived closer, I would bring over my runnin mix and clean your house!!
Seriously stinks.
You being sick. Not your house. Just to clarify.
i love you.
like, a lot.
Like I said, send out Christmas cards next year. And give Valentine's or New Year's gifts to friends, neighbors and teachers instead. Love you.
It's really a tough thing you're going through. I was wondering if I could send the children a little Australian gift for Christmas to help perk the house up?
Oh Heather...you are too kind. I tried to email you back, but your comment isn't linked with your email.
Take time to grieve and morn, and don't feel bad about being a mess. Do not deny yourself time to deal with your emotions, you have lost a child. I seriously laid on the couch for 3 months straight after my miscarriage. I am pretty sure your house will hold up just fine even if it isn't as clean as you would like it. You have been through a lot and there are so many emotions to work through. People will understand and they are not judging you. Honestly, people are amazed at your strength and how you are managing to pull through this. It takes a very strong person like you to handle things like this. Just remember that everyone out there is praying for you and thinking of you.
Oh...heatherbear76 at hotmail dot com. Sorry about that lol.
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