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Friday, December 16, 2011

oral b rocks our world.

I got so excited when Mommy Parties selected me to throw one of their Oral B stage 1 partAYs!  You know why?!  Um, I quite possibly have the worst teeth on the planet, and I am determined to teach my kids to take care of their they don't have to go through what I have!
Everything is more fun and exciting when you invite people to learn about it with you! Right!? Although I don't know if Devin really cared so much about the friends, he has always loved getting his teeth brushed.
I didn't worry as much about Van's teeth when she was little as I do Devin's.  Here is why...

Devin's teeth grew in super close together, I just know that germs are getting trapped in there...and flossing is crucial for him.

Savannah's teeth grew in extremely far was easy to make sure everything was out, and even easier for her to take care of her own teeth.  Although Savannah has already had 5 cavities, and it makes me sad that my kids might have inherited my horrid teeth.

So here is the question...
What have you done to make sure that your kids are remembering to brush their teeth?  Doing a good job at it?  AND are you faithful at going to the Dentist...even if you are like me and hate it! :)
PS If you want to see some really cute parties here are a couple of  my friends that did them too!  With the miscarriage, two car accidents, and the flu, among other things as party was definitely not as cute and creative as my friends!

PPS Thank you to my friend for taking pictures for me.
Disclosure: Thank you Oral B, Mommy Parties, and MomSelect for sending me all the fun stuff to have a party with Devi's friends...and for the sweet gift bags that all of my friends were able to take home.


kendahl a. said...

I am loving the new Oral B line for "tweens". I wish I could say Hailey is good about brushing her teeth but she's so not, I need to figure out how to get her to be good! Her teeth are super close together, too. Poor kid will need braces for sure - her two front big teeth took up the room of the four that were there before. I have horrible teeth, too, but she doesn't have to worry about getting them. :)

Alyssa said...

I hate the dentsit too...on a completely separate note, your bathroom is gorgeous! I LOVE the hammered sink!! :)

Rebecca said...

I love your bathroom sink! Umm I love the dentist because I inherited good teeth, and my dentist makes me feel like a superstar for not having cavities. Any other doctor freaks me out, however.I'm hoping my kids get my teeth, but ever since I had Emma, I forget about Lydia's teeth. I'm a little scared for our next check up.

Unknown said...

I too love your bathroom Oral B is awesome!

dust and kam said...

I love Oral-b and your photographer. And Devi's smiley earrings. And you.

Tyrone87 said...

It has been more fun for the kids to take care of their teeth ever since Oral-B featured Winnie the Pooh characters in their products. It is now easier to convince them to use their toothbrush.

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andieclark said...

Your kids is very adorable and cute! I think moms don't need to make up stories just to convince kids to brush their teeth. This toothbrush for kids are enough motivation for them.

Maurice.W said...

Brushing your kids teeth can really make you feel happy especially when they like the feeling.
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Madeth said...

I agree with Maurice. Brushing your child's teeth or brushing with your child can be a fun bonding moment between you two. Thus, it makes it easier for them to get hooked to dental care. DC cosmetic dentist

Mrs. Mandy Catez said...

I always make sure that I help brush my son's teeth everyday so that his teeth would be healthy.
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Unknown said...

My dentist in bartlett gives out oral b toothbrushes for his clients. I agree they really do great work when cleaning our teeth.

Unknown said...

Lovely photo. Those tooth brushes I always get them for free from my dentists in collierville. He is simply the bomb. I love all oral-B products as well!

Unknown said...

Even kids grow cavities and tooth decays. They are exposed with different kinds of sweets and junk foods, But hard brushes are still not that advisable. Dental clinics/ dentist in collierville
promotes special toothbrush just for kids. They are known and trusted brands, so you don't have to question it.

cosmeticcbd said...

hi, I think this is best toothbrush. I agree they really do great work when cleaning our teeth.It is more beneficial after cosmetic dentistry treatments. Cosmetic dentistry Sydney may provide you the best option for the cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Unknown said...

Really nice idea to make your children habitual for brushing..
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Unknown said...

Oh your kid is really cute and adorable i love the way you brushing him it reminds me my son when he is little.
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Unknown said...

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