I remember being newly married, in Hawaii, and of course being poor! We splurged on a few outrageously priced things, and thought we maybe would regret them. Over 9 years later I think I should have spent more money. =) (This picture is the 18 year old Evonne on Waikiki Beach!)
My biggest dream was to ride an elephant. Every time the circus came to town I would tell Paul that is all I wanted to do. While in Wisconsin (of all places) driving down a main street...there off the side of the road was elephant rides. For $5 ( I think that is how much I spent?) I got to live out one of my biggest dreams. And might I add that I was like 7 months pregnant with Savannah. Don't regret it, and it was cheap!! It had to be one of my best memories of Wisconsin (besides my awesome baby shower that was at Dale and Jenny's).
Today I made our reservations for Goofy's Kitchen Character Dinner. At $39.64 a person the question came to me...What price do we pay to make an awesome memory? I don't know the answer. Just posing the question for everyone.
Evonne, you guys are going to love Goofy's Kitchen!! It is worth every penny! Try and forget the price and enjoy every minute! When are you guys going? We are going for the 4th time in Oct and I can barely wait!
I loved seeing the picture from your honeymoon, and riding the elephant! I still remember you telling me about it when we first met and how excited you were. I'm so excited for you guys to go to Disneyland. I'm sure it will be super fun! Savannah will love every minute of it, and I am sure you won't regret it. Its hard though when your cheap, like you and I, haha. But then again I don't have a family of 4 to pay for haha. I agree with Boss, I am going to miss your post's when your in Cali!
So... Susan told me about this tonight. You log in with your blogger account info, and you put all the blogs you look at and it tells you if new posts have been posted. You may already know about this, but me being new to the blogging world wanted to let you know! Love you long time!
We are going to Disneyland next week. Savannah is going to be so excited. Whenever she is being naughty she says "Momma you aren't going to call Mickey Mouse, and tell him are you?" So, it has worked a lot like Santa Claus for me! =)
I'm sure I won't regret spending the money. It just is a lot of money for one meal. (I heard it's pretty good food though.)
I hadn't heard of that reader thing. I am pretty new as well at this blogging stuff. I'm for sure going to have to do that.
Love you too!
I loved this blog. It's fun taking a trip down memory lane. My answer is that there is no price on a memory. I mean I wouldn't say go out and spend everything you have just to have a memory, but if it costs a few bucks to do something you know you'll remember forever, why not go do it?
We did the Princess lunch at Ariel's Grotto. It was so worth the $ to see have the Princesses come to you and they gave Jenna personal attention. Some things you just can't put a price on.
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