Last night at work I am minding my own business...just doin' some blog browsing. I run across this AMAZING blog. Made me laugh. made me cry. made me think! I decide I'll make a comment...admit I'm blog stalking, and tell her she is amazing. Here is where the story gets interesting. She replies back, and says "Did you go to Bennion Jr High?" WHAT!! I know this person...Random right!? Small world!! I was speechless... she remembered me from oh let's just say 15 years ago. The class we had together and everything.
This post is going somewhere I promise. =) So, I don't have as good of a memory as Kim. I had to get the dreaded year books out, and take a looksy! What do you know I do REMEMBER her! I realize again how horrible my memory is.
Okay, here is where it's going to get funny. I want everyone to dig through their pictures...find one of yourself in elementary, jr. high, and high school. The one's that people will remember you by. =) Post away. This could be funny! I'll start goes nothing. Go ahead and laugh and even make fun of me. It's okay!
This is around 4th or 5th grade. Could my glasses have been any bigger? They are actually cutting my fat cheeks in two!
This is 9th grade. I actually still can't figure out why I let my Dad cut my hair so I looked like I had a mullet (sp).

You have gotta love the 90's. Who doesn't have a Glamour Shot? My best friend and I got these done I think Junior year or late Sophmore!
wow.. I am glad that I am not the only one that took advantage of glamour shots! I am going to copy you and do this, it made me laugh!
SO hilariously funny. Oh man, I will totally do it too. That middle shot is the Evonne I remember...totally and utterly. I LOVE IT. Thanks for the trip down memory has been an awesome one.
I'm glad to hear that people are going to do this...I am EXCITED to see everyone else's embarassing pictures!! =)
How funny - what a small world. Is the Kim you are speaking of, the Kim that left a comment on here?! If so, OMG - she is best friends with my friend Casey - "Moosh in Indy" blog (which by the way is a highly recommended read!) Which would THEN mean, that I too went to Bennion Jr. High with Kim! What is her maiden name?
Anyway - we are bad addicted to blogging, but I DO love it!! :o)
Your last 24 hrs have been so unbelievable. You have such a neat spirit, I am amazed at all the doors that open up because of how giving and creative you are...My life would not ever be the same... THANKS
You totally went to Jr High with Kim, and her maiden name is Jaeger (sp). I'm pretty sure that is how you spell it. I think that she is the friend of "Moosh In Indy". I don't exactly know how I found her blog...maybe off of yours is what I had thought!?
Anywho...I am totally addicted to blogging. I think I need some sort of patch to help out with my problem. =)
Olan Mills was popular back in the day. I think everyone has had pictures by them at some point. I know I did!
Oh my goodness...I had Savannah's pictures done at Olan Mills once, and realized how outdated they were. Funniest pictures I have of her EVER, but I do have tons of us growing up. If my memory is clear it was a nice place, and actually expensive??!
THis is very cute idea. I will have to look around for pics. I might be the only one from the 90's that didnt take advantage of the glamour shot option. All my friends had it done but, I didn't because parents thought it was definately a waste of moola. but I alway wanted one back then. Looking back it would have been a good time..
I'm lovin the dress in the first picture!! :) Style has come a long way hasn't it? This brings back all kinds of memories of the MC Hammer pants, coollott (sp) shorts, and those circle clips you looped your shirt through that were so popular. Ah, those were the days weren't they?
My Mom made the dress that I'm wearing in the first picture. It was one of my fav's! I totally laughed at the coollott comments! SSOOOO, funny...I remember wearing them all of the time!
My Mom made the dress that I'm wearing in the first picture. It was one of my fav's! I totally laughed at the coollott comments! SSOOOO, funny...I remember wearing them all of the time!
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