What?! I can't believe it!
In honor, 200 (divided by 4) RaNDom things stuck in my brain!
1. I love the changing colors of Fall.
2. Have you used those cool foil cupcake thingy's...you don't have to use a cupcake pan. =) I'm new at this. lol
3. I'm debating about dressing up for Halloween.
4. Savannah will be 4 this month.
5. I would love a new camera. =)
6. I went to 3 baptisms. Seriously, kind of made me tear up.
7. My lucky number.
8. Savannah says the cutest prayers.
9. I have been sleeping like crap.
10. I am trying new hairspray, and I think that it sucks!
11.I have successfully ate two bags of Halloween taffy so far.
12. I am leaving Savannah this weekend for 2 nights.
13. What am I goin' do without my girl?
14. Oh, party with Paul, that's right!! Yah!
15. I already have my '09 calendar marked up.
16. I had Salad Sumpreme mixed in my cottage cheese today. Yummo!!
17. My fav food use to be banana's! What, I totally got over that.
18. I love buying new ring tones!
19. I totally want to take Savannah to the Wee Witches night out.
20. I am lovin' my new glasses still.
21. We are planning on moving out of state.
22. Just wish the market would pick up so that we could.
23. I want to do something BIG for Paul's 30th Birthday!
24. I love buying candy from the bulk food area.
25. I went to the Making Memories sale.
26. I bought some awesome, cool, RAD stuff there!
27. I am starting to have a shoe fettish.
28. A Disney CD is a must in the car with Savannah.
29. I can be a pack rat.
30. I want to start a count down to our next Disney trip.
31. Christmas is fast approaching.
32. Who knows what I will buy?!
33. Have you ever eaten a peanut butter/banana sandwich?
34. I want to take a hot bath in my jetted tub.
35. I swear Savannah's room is never clean.
36. I want to buy a pet, but it is too much work.
38. I want a picture of the San Diego Temple...
39. I can't wait to get Savannah's pictures done soon.
40. I can't find tank tops w/the "support" in them anymore?!
41. I don't like mash potatoes.
42. BUT I do like KFC's mash bowl with No CORN!
43. I hate talking on the phone, but it's kind of my job.
44. I can chew gum forever.
45. I have new freckles that appear.
46. AND Savannah is starting to get freckles too!
47. I love having smelly candles burning.
48. I've always thought my name was for a Grandma.
49. Did I mention I had another run in the stupid Kodak printing machine! GRR!!
50. I want to go the Body World exhibit.
21 needs some explaination. Where are you guys thinking? And 50-- I want to go too! Maybe we could go together?
We have a few places we are looking at...Denver, Boise, and maybe even a big city in Wisconsin. Paul would have up and moved anywhere if we knew we could sell our house.
You can totally come with our group...Landon, Tammy, and me so far!
When are you guys going?
Happy 200th post. I love reading your blog. I relate to you very well! Don't move before I actually meet you in person!
You totally rock. I love this, and 7 is totally my number too! :)
Oh the Body World exhibit makes me want to barf every time I see an advertisement. If you go, you ahve to blog about it (but not in too much detail) =)
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