What makes you comment on a blog post? What makes you not comment? Do you blog just to get the comments of others or do you blog to just put it out there? Do you sometimes comment because you feel bad that there are 0 comments? Do you have those certain blogs that you comment on everything?
I have thought about making my blog so you can't make comments at all. What do you guys think of this? I have ran across some blogs which allow comments on certain posts, but not others. How do you decide which ones that you want comments allowed? Just throwin' some random ideas out there. Comment if you wish, or not! I am one of those people that don't blog to have the comments, but they are an added bonus. ;)
sometimes I comment, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I am lazy, sometimes I am not. Sometimes I have something to say, sometimes I do not. lol. But I always read, and love reading!
Comments are always fun to read, but sometimes I just don't have a lot to say. But I try to comment when I do. It's always awkward when people *expect* comments and you have nothing to say.
Sometimes I turn comments off on some of my post because I just don't want to hear anyone else's opinion... (usually I am venting about a personal problem... ie. infertility, etc. and who really wants everyone to feel bad for them) but those who want to will comment no matter what - which always makes me laugh.
Really, I have no answer to the comment concerns. I have them myself. :)
My blog is for me and my family, like a journal that I like to share with my friends and family that don't get to see me or my kids that often. I don't think that it is necessary to comment on everyone's blog all the time and I have no expectations for people to do the same thing for mine. It isn't a popularity contest, I just like to let people know that I love their post or that I think that their kids are cute or whatever my feeling is for them. I like comments on my blog, but I am not offended when someone doesn't put one on there. I am not doing it for that reason. that is my 2 cents
I feel that my blog is for me, to vent, to share happy times, and to just have something to do to waste spare time. I like reading everyones blogs but I dont comment very much. I do admit its nice to have a comment here or there, on every post that would just be awkward..
I love to comment. But I only comment if I really mean it and if I liked your post alot :]
I love that we can blog for our self's, our families, and friends. It's fun to see comments I must admit, but if I don't get any, my life would still go on and I would still be happy that I have a blog for me! Hay, it's scrapbooking, I haven't done it in years!
So I am one of those pathetic people who love comments. Yes, I still have my high school issue of never being popular. I guess I keep hoping that at one point I will have a LOT of people like me. Get over it all ready! Geez. (But because I love comments, I always leave comments as much as I can. Let's face it, though. I have a lot to say!)
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