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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hi, I'm Mrs. Friendly =)

We are Primary teachers. Yes, people trust us to teach their children! =) I call Paul the "bouncer", and I prepare the lessons.
We recreated a Primary sharing time this week that Paul remembered from 20+ years ago.
One not so fancy apron with lots of pockets. One gardening hat. One pair of circle zebra print glasses. Old lady shoes, and a knowledge of the Friend Magazine. Voila! I became Mrs. Friendly! Oh, and let's not forget, all those pockets bulging full of prizes like stickers, rubber stamps, candy, or even CTR rings to hand out.
I was nervous. Those of you that really know me are probably thinking "Evonne, shy?". I usually don't mind being the center of attention, but I had this "other" Ms. Friendly to live up to! If Paul remembers this being cool from 20+ years ago, I had to make it cool for these kids. I want them it mimic me in 20 years. Oooh, the challenge I faced.
(I did my hair different, but you get the idea. It was funny how many younger kids didn't recognize me!)
It turned out well, or at least Paul and I thought so! The kids were excited, and I wasn't as nervous 3 seconds in to it. I would definitely do it again for sharing time, and we even thought about Mr. Friendly coming too! ;)


Emily Christine said...

I was laughing out loud when I saw these pictures! You are looking good my friend! I'm glad it went well!!

Cal said...

please share your idea. we are primary teachers too and I hate doing sharing time b/c I can never think of anything to do. will you email me your idea? cute pictures!!! said...

I love it! We totally had Sister Friendly in Primary. We loved it! Fabulous idea to keep the kids attention!

Brenda said...

You must share this cool idea! I bet the kids had a blast! Way to go, to the both of you!

Amber! said...

I'll remember this 20 years from now. Mission accomplished!

Kings said...

ahhhh i loved miss friendly! that was the best part...i think a mr friendly would be AWESOME!

Lyle Family said...

Oh I just love this outfit!!! You look so very fabulous...I made sure that I am following you so I hope that you do the same :)