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Thursday, January 1, 2009

my new start.

I'm going to eat less chocolate, and eat more fruit.
I'm going to watch less TV, and play more Candy Land.
I'm going to make my bed...starting tomorrow. ;)
I'm going to drink less Coke. =(
I'm going to support my hubby in expanding our business.
I'm not going to stress about things that are out of my control.
I'm going to have fun.
Stay up late, and wake up early.
Make more friends, and appreciate my existing one's!
Enjoy the sun when it decides to be warm again.
Have patience.
Drive like I'm not in a hurry, and wave at the missionaries more.
Love. Love. and Love. some more.
2009 is goin' be good. I'm going to make sure of it.


tlkcreations said...

2009 is really going to be a great year! Thanks for the laughs last year and I look forward to more to come. I love being your friend and thanks tons for being mine! We are going to accomplish these things even if it kills us ;) love you tons- me

Amber! said...

Yay for 2009! Prince should make a song about it. Love your resolutions. I only have one: self control. Yuck.
Oh, I'll drink your coke for you!
Drat. That also goes with my self control.

Richter's said...

Great resolutions, and yes these are great goals and YES 2009 is going to awesomely great!!!