I think that Paul and I both questioned whether or not she fit her name, but we had nothin' better. Van it was...and now we can't imagine another name for her, of course!
Girls names have always come very easy to Paul and I. We had a girl's name picked when baby #2 was just a thought. Bri will be named after a movie, just like her older sister. Bri's middle name will be after my middle name. I have always loved my middle name. Not because it was uh-mazing, but it was just SO much better than my first given name! LOL.
It really is just crazy talk in my family to even think about having a boy at all. We don't have boys. No one ever has been successful...and let me tell you my Brother and SIL have 5 girls! Yes 5 tries...not 1 boy! We do have a name, but have been VERY unsuccessful in picking a middle name. Vin was mostly conjured up, because of my blog. It would go with our nicknames well. Lame reason to name a kid huh!? BUT Vin's name will have meaning, because well you see my middle name is De. Bri will get it, and if it just so happens to be a boy Vin will get it too! DEVIN. =) I really want a family name for Vin, but everything sounds funny.
So, I want you to share. Why do you like your name, or not? Do you think a name should have a story, or can it just be random cuteness? Or if you want to come up with something that goes with Vin...feel free.
I am neutral about my name... don't love it or hate it... (as I kid I hated being the only Krystal in the whole world, then I got to college and there was FOUR of us in the same ward freshman year!) I was named after a character on Dynasty?? Her name was Krystle and my mom just remembered that it was with a K... (this was a last minute thing because the name that was picked was a name a friend had already used and she was offended when my mom said she wanted to name me after her daughter). Anyway, mom was sad when she realized she hadn't spelled it "right"... I thank her all the time for only changing the spelling *a little*. I am not a fan of invented spellings of names... especially now that I'm a teacher. And I could go on for DAYS about names... but I am doing homework, so if you really want to know how I feel, we can chat later :) I like both the names you picked and have never had a bad student with either of the names... but by the time I finally have kids, I think all the names I like will be ruined already. So I have started picking really random, obscure stuff... like Evonne :) ha, just kidding!
I love my name. My first name was just picked and my middle name was after a family friend. My dad told me when I was younger it sounded like an author name. Perhaps someday. That just always made me feel really special, like my name was solid and powerful.
My kids first names were all just picked and middle names after family (not planned at first but it just worked out that way time and again).
De VIN e *divine spelled your own way.
Ok I stumped after this so I googled and came up with this http://www.morewords.com/contains/vin/ (most of them are so not workable, but perhaps they could spark something). :)
I have never liked my name- it's TOO 'unique weird' instead if 'unique good'. Nobody remembers it the first time which and nobody wants to have to ask your name over and over. I actually met another with my name a couple weeks ago. Never before until then. All of my kids have not as common but not unheard of names... except Brandon. We did family middle names, too..hmm but not with my first girl. We must have a Sara somewhere in the family. I like your name- I would trade you.
I love my name! The only time I have a problem with it is when a friend tells her man that she is hanging out with Sam and they always ask who is he? But I absolutely love my middle name. It is my moms middle name and it will be my first born daughters middle name! {If I have all boys I guess I can add an E to it it!}
I love the name Devin!
And I love you!
I never hated my name, it was pretty common growing up - Sarah. I was never just "sarah" I was always "Sarah B." One time a girl moved to our school - Sarah T. But she wanted to be called Sarah Beth instead. Well, Beth was my middle name too! Rude. So I started writing "Sarah Beth B___" on all my papers. Silly what's important in elementary school.
So when picking our names, my husband and I have gone with classic names, but not super common. Classic spelling too. I don't like it when you need help pronouncing Ashleighee or something like that.
i love my name! :)
Well I love love love my name.
I wanted Abby and then Cameron to be
but I couldnt go through with it! Maybe the next one~~
My kids have their great grandfathers first names as their middles names. I love it b/c I get to remind them what great men they are.
I love my name. my favorite part is when people sing. I'm going back to Cali by LL cool J.
it makes me happy!
Alright, Van I did some searching, came up with some names including 'Vin': Bevin, Calvin, Kalvin, Kelvin, Corvin, Davin, Davyn, Devvin (girl), Donevin, Evin, Gavin, Tavin, Rayvin, Tevin, Trevin. Also, I thought this site was pretty cool: www.gpeters.com/names/baby-names.php It tells you some stats about your first name, like if it's more likely a girl's or boy's name and how popular it is. Anyway, my name- Marci I didn't like when I was growing up because I didn't fit in with all the other kids. But as I grew older, Marci was cool since not many other girls had it so I was kind of unique and it now fits me pretty perfectly.
Oh, how about Seven? Then the name would be Ven. I bet you could even change the letters a bit more and go with Val, which would give you more possibilities. Just brainstorming here. Don't mind me...
um, sorry I keep posting, but I had a roommate named Valene. She was very unique and friendly.
I love my name!! I was the only one in all my school years-well I take that back there was a girl two grades younger my senior yr. but totally spelled wrong! lol!
Yes- the name is pretty
popular now but that's alright because most still spell it wrong and I still don't come across many my age or older.
Most the grandkids on my side have names that all start with "Br"
* Breeya
* Brocston
* Breckon
* Bronzon
My first son's name is a combination of both mine and my husbands "B" for me and "roc" for my hubbs-I wonted to name him Briggs but hubby didn't like that so I put it as his middle- He likes to be called "Broc" now that he is older -Ok so
each son we have starts with a "Br" (of course) and "also" they get their next oldest brothers name for their middle name- so it goes=
Brocston Brigg
Breckon Broc
Bronzon Breck
All of them have the same int-BBH!
But when we adopted an older child we had to drop that tradition but both our girls have names with a "J" and they both have middle name's after grandmothers.
I think it is good to name children
with a meaning, a story, a family history....and not just totally random-cute names.
I will be brain storming for you-but not tonight-how many more weeks do ya have until ultrasound to see sex of Baby Sell!??
? #2 What does Bri stand for??
"Brittani" spelled right!! lol!!!!
ooxoo Me
Ok, I have to tell you I just noticed how your header changes! I love it!
We had our kids names picked out before they were born too. BG's name came to us one night in the car when I was pregnant and we never looked back. LM's name had always been one of my favorites.
I really do not like my name, there were 3 of us on the same street. I was never *unique*..... I was named after the restaurant where my dad asked my mom to marry him, Tiffany's Attic.....
We can come up with the CUTEST! Girl names but not boys, so we went with straight family for both first and middle names for my boys.... So does Vin stand for Devin? And is Bri just Bri or Brianne, or what?? I think a cute little Vinny would be cute as long he has your dark features.... Or just Von after you...
Bri is short for Sabrina. ;)
I have loved all of your ideas. This is why I asked. Thanks to EVERYONE!
I HATED my name when I was growing up, because everyone on the planet was convinced that it's a boy's name. Nowadays, I love it. It's not really a boy's name anymore, but it's super unique and I think it is cute. Plus, I love the spelling.
But I think my parents wanted a boy when they found out I was on the way. First name: Kendahl, after my great-grandpa [who is the only person in my family, other than me, with red hair]. Middle name: Jo, after my dad. Yup, two boy names. Maybe that's why I'm such a tomboy!
I thought my name was average, not great, but not terrible. My mom had a dream the week before I was born about my name. I was 8+ weeks early so really it was all they had at the moment. They had to give me a name and a blessing before they life flighted me to Utah Valley, so they needed a name quick. Later they added my middle name. Lee. My grandpa's name was Lee (Leland). So mine is kinda fam and kind of not.
I love the name Vin. :) And Sabrina! I also love Devin.
The names we have picked out are totally not family names or have any meaning. They are just two we can actually agree on. It took For-EV-Er to come up with those... so that's it! :)
I like my name! Suzanne Adele... What's more fun is that my name means "Lily of the Valley" so my daughter's name is Lily. All of our sons are named after grandfathers. What's even more fun is that I know the meaning of all their names and those meanings fit them to a T! Henry - ruler of the house (he's my oldest and wisest) Kenneth - born of fire and physical beauty (both very true!) Timothy - born of God (he has a kind heart, especially for those with special needs)
I didn't know any of this until after my sons were born. I named Lily after myself and her birthmom.
i LOVE names that mean something, or come from something special! Maddie's middle name is Michelle, and don't laugh....but one of the biggest reasons we picked it is because of the olsen twins on Full House lol!!! We wanted a little munchkin with big blue eyes and curly blonde hair who said You Got it Dude! lol...and thats pretty much what we got! haha And Makenna's middle name is so special, it's Janae, which comes from my great aunt [JAN]ice who passed away right before I found out I was pregnant, and my grandma's middle name r[AE]. And I like that they both start with M's too :) I remember when Jill told me you were naming your baby Savannah, and I was sooo jealous! hahah It honestly made me rethink my choice because I love that name sooo much! But Maddie was a Maddie and that was that so I got over it, but I definitely love Van :) And I love the name Vin, it sounds like a strong manly man (vin diesel??hah) and I think he will be a little stud! :) Very good choices!
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