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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

stressin' me out.

3 ultra sounds in 11 weeks.
This one was taken today when I woke up with lots of ahem...ya know girls!
I don't think that I clarified that they found a problem in the last ultra sound, because well...I am not even sure if I know what it is. I tried finding it on the internet, and gave up. =) I know the Dr. explained it, but once I hear that baby is fine, I tune everything else out. Silly me. My Dr. said it is "common", and of course she says I need to take it easy. Which is actually easier said than done, but I am trying.
Let me see if I can try to explain what is happening to me...
there is a blood hemmorage next to the baby. It is very visible on an ultra sound. The 2nd ultra sound I had they measured this "hemmorage" more than the baby. Today when I woke up with my ahem "problem", I quickly called the Dr. She had me in her office within the hour...I guess I need to take this more seriously. So, well we got more pictures of the not-so-raspberry anymore, which is nice. They noticed that the hemmorage is getting smaller, and that is why I had a "big problem" this morning. It is started to sluff off, and go away. Which is good news, but in the mean time...I have to deal with this obnoxious period of sorts! I thought I was suppose to get a break from all this girl stuff while I was pregnant, or not!
Did they make any sense?
Oh, and you were wondering about the pencil you really wanna know?


Krystal said...

I'm sorry for all the problems... I hope that baby starts cooperating... definitely take it easy. Hang in there!!

Jerilee E. said...

That sucks- but I'm glad you know why it's happening! Any bleeding those first few weeks of pregnancy always freaked me out- even though they say it is 'common' :). Yay for a good doctor who gets you in right away and lets you know what is going on!

Brenda said...

YES!!! We want to know what the pencil test said!
Sorry things are crazy right now with this pregnancy. I am starting to wonder if we really are just getting older and our bodies are just letting us know. Great, I know didn't get THAT memo.
Take it easy... if you can. I know it's hard. You could blog some more? More blogging can't hurt, right?

Amber! said...

I am so glad that the hemmorrage is getting smaller. Wheh. I am sure hoping things continue to improve!!

Steph said...

That is so scary. But good news that it is getting smaller and working it's way out.

The feet are adorable.

Tiffany said...

OHHHHH that's scary!! But cute little peanut picture!! TAKE IT EASY!! I'm sorry you've had troubles, I hope the rest is smooth sailing...

dust and kam said...

glad that things are okay. so scary. thinking of you. take it easy girly!