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Monday, September 28, 2009


Today was not a good day. Van doesn't try my patience very often. She is pretty well behaved, and is pretty good in public...and then today happens.

She stepped in a puddle,
and that is where the story begins.

We walk in to Cafe Rio, and I am by myself with Van. We get in the ginormous line. Van asks me if she can go to the bathroom to dry off her legs, I didn't feel right about it, and told her no. She keeps on, and on, and on! I finally cave. It isn't like Van has never gone to a public restroom by herself, she does this all of the time. I keep standing in line, I think to myself that she is taking an awfully long time. I am now two people away from ordering. I think I hear screaming, it can't be. I hear it again, and off I all my pregnant glory to the restroom! Where indeed my child is screaming like someone is doing some awful thing to her. It is a one person bathroom, with a dead bolt. I stand outside, and all of the horrible things run through my head. I'm sick. I soon find out, someone isn't doing anything to her, SHE IS STUCK! Yup, she has locked herself in the bathroom, and can't get out. After some coaxing, she figures it out and she is FREE.
Of course the first thing that should run through my head is "I'm glad that she was okay!" But instead I yell "I told you not to go to the bathroom, and you didn't listen!" She is in tears, and I am just really upset that I have to go to the back of the line again.

I am not proud of the way that I acted, I have a lot to learn. I am definitely not perfect. It's a good thing tomorrow is a new day.

Van, I love you!


Jerilee E. said...

One of those days! I have them all too often. You are a great mom! Today I took my kids to the library- all 5 of them- even though the voices in my head were saying it would end badly. The voices were right.

Krystal said...

Oh sweet Von... I am sorry for the rough day you had... :( can I do something to help? Do you need a good babysitter so you and Paul can have a date night? (Cuz I'm serious!) Hang in there, and here's for hoping for a better tomorrow! Love ya!!

Krystal said...

(PS - I was eating Cafe Rio leftovers for lunch today... yum yum!)

Rachel Sue said...

Those days are so hard. When you know your reaction should be different, but your temper does something else. Man, have I been there. . .

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Cafe Rio. Mmmmm. But back to the point of your post, I'm sorry. It must be so hard to be a parent! I would have done the same thing as you though I think.

Jerilee E. said...

I forgot to mention that you look FABulous in orange.

Rebecca said...

Terrifying! I'm so happy she was fine.

And really, Cafe Rio has the longest line.

Cal said...

kids.... but she is so dang cute, so you have to forgive her. btw.. you look darling too!

Steph said...

Oh heck... I sent Xander to school crying the other day. We all have our moments. :-)

marci said...

Hang in there, Von! You can do it. :)