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Monday, August 16, 2010

if you are reading this...


I hope you know just how beautiful, strong, and down right amazing you are. No matter where life has taken us, we have always found a place for each other...and that I am thankful for.

If I could have predicted the future, this would not have been in the cards. Of course, when we were 9 years old life was much simpler.

I always look at the bright side, and I guess my bright side to this is...I got you back in Utah with me!! ;)


ps Just like Emily and and I need an updated picture...pronto. kthanxbye!


Lindsey said...

I {heart} both of you!!

Brenda said...

Your both so sweet. I'm happy to be home. Life has it's ups and downs but with good friends and family you can get through anything.