post edit: I kinda want copy Kamie and to a "Facebook Friday"...ya know tell me what happened in Facebook world that I missed. I wish I would have come up with the idea, because it is cool!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
breaking up is hard to do.
post edit: I kinda want copy Kamie and to a "Facebook Friday"...ya know tell me what happened in Facebook world that I missed. I wish I would have come up with the idea, because it is cool!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
This is why Blogger hates me!!
What is your favorite meal to make at home?
Kamie asked me this question... She has seen my cooking skillz, or lack of. I thought it was funny that she would ask me, because I am sure she is just wondering if I even know how to use the appliances in my kitchen. :) Love ya girl. ... Our family favorite is my version of Navajo Tacos. I don't know if you can really consider it cooking...but we all love it. If you want the best of the best you need to go to the Navajo Hogan. Mmmm. My version could never beat that, but when the craving comes calling...this does the job. I buy Rhodes Rolls. Let them thaw out or I just microwave them for a minute. Stretch them. Fry them. Then I buy NO bean chili, because I like it better. Warm that, and put all of your normal toppings on.,
Green onion or just plain onion
Sour Cream
That is all. Easy, right? Like I said, I am not sure it can be considered cooking...but it is definitely my go-to meal
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
What is your favorite mini getaway?

Friday, March 25, 2011
she had a birthday...shout hooray.
Vin and Van are still recovering from RSV, ear infections, and the general lack of sleep that has been happening up in here (said like a gangsta)! I did something to my back two days ago, and it about has done me in.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
more or less.
Remember when we did our question series?
I wanna do that again. I thought it was fun.
Did you?
Well, ready or not here we go again.
This was the original post.
I have this habit of over sharing. It embarrasses Paul, and people at work most of the time just laugh at me. I sometimes wonder why I don't have a problem telling my boss that I accidentally peed my pants while I threw up the other day, or that I...see I am over sharing again. =)
So, I got to thinking, what do people wonder about me? Do I share enough that I am not in the least bit mysterious? Have you ever had a question about me that hasn't been answered?
Now is your chance...what do you really want to know about me? I will answer everything, no joke. I will answer every question that is in this comment section in a post. Depending on what you ask, I guess some might not require a whole post. We shall see.
The only thing I was thinking...we already went over the reasons why I don't talk to my parents. So, could we not revisit that? Mucho appreciated. If you wanna know you can go to all the many posts I wrote after that question was asked by one of my lovely anonymous people.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
AND go by your favorite baby that toy...I am tellin' you...sooooo cool!
Monday, March 21, 2011
you are never fully dressed without a smile.
Notice I am not wearing a pony tail or a bun!! Woohoo! =)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
losing faith.
Before sharing anything, I believe in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
This doesn't mean that I don't struggle, and lately it is a lot.
Usually I can pin point exactly why. This time...not so much.
I know it is hard to go to church because Vin is a crazy man. Either Paul or I end up in the hallway for all three hours. All I can think of while I walk up and down the hallway is how much I am not learning, and how much I could be accomplishing if I were home.
I use to be in charge of teaching the 5-6 year olds. Although I felt like I learned something from teaching them...even if it was just patience...I was going every week. Well, now the only people in the neighborhood I know are the 5-6 year olds.
I definitely don't put myself out there enough for people to really get to know me in the ward (hi neighbors), but after years of teaching the little kids...I am SO out of the loop. Where do I even begin?
I could go to Relief Society activities if they weren't week nights when I would be working until 10 PM. Gah. religion you are...I need advice. Please.
How am I gonna fix this?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Our Boy is 1.
One year.
One whole year!
One whole year since Devin came into this world, and our Party of 3 became 4.
Leading up to his delivery I thought I wasn't going to make it, and now it has been a darn year!
Boggles my mind.
It is always amazing to me that in one single day your world can change completely, and March 19th, 2010 will be one of those days.
There is nothing like having a "fresh one" in the house...sweetest feeling ever. As soon as I say that though...there is nothing like hearing your 6 year old push your 1 year old in the laundry basket up and down the the 1 year screams and giggles with delight! Every stage is new and fun, and it doesn't matter how many times you have done it! ;)
Devin is my much as it annoys his Daddy. (I say it is pay back for when Van was a baby and liked him waaay more!)
Devin is our tornado, or as his Uncle Hiram nicknamed him...Devin-ator!
Devin is truly a Sell through and through. He doesn't look at a single thing in the room if he has food in front of him, and eats as quickly as he it is his last meal.
Devin is sensitive like his Mommy...I have a problem passing this trait on. If you tell Devin he is a "Naughty Boy" you would think his world was ending. It is kinda sweet.
Devin is going to conquer the world just like he did the stairs! Determination is in his veins, and nothing is going to stop him.
The funnier things about Devin are his pure love for toilet water, and throwing his bath toys in the toilet. He loves to jump off the bed into open arms, and I am awaiting the day he does this without someone waiting to catch him. He doesn't back down from a good challenge! He loves tossin' the pig skin around, and it is about the only thing he will sit for an extended amount of time for...except eating of course! ;)
Devin is all smiles...unless his big sister is trying to tell him how to do something or taking one of his toys away.
Not to long ago Paul and I were commenting on how it feels like we have always had Devin. Weird how that happens.
I like to call Devin my light at the end of a dark tunnel. I am the first to admit we were a little nervous to have a boy, but he is my boy, and I love him dearly.
Happy Birthday Buddy.
I think you are perfect, and even though you give me a run for my keep us entertained with your busy little self!
I love you from the top of your mohawk down to your chubby toes!
Ma Ma Ma Ma
the present not to give a 1 year old.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011

Every day is a new day.
Every Monday a new week to try harder than the week before.
Friday, March 11, 2011
nerd and proud of it.
This could be the best place on earth.
whoa, that is a random post.
and OMG I am still going to post the picture...even though I have some serious issues with it.
another side note: you should really join the convo's we are having on Facebook.
Happy Weeeeekend friends.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
at capacity.
Van woke up sick, I promptly called the school...sick day!
I put them both in the tub.
Van finds a weird nugget, and hands it to me...
YUP, Vin pooped in the tub.
Van and I both touched it!
Gross out.
I get them both out of the tub.
While getting Vin all ready...he pooped again...!
Oh, and did I mention it isn't even 9 o'clock yet!
Happy Thursday!
post edit: It is now 10:00 AM...Vin pooped again. Van and Vin bonked, Van got a bloody nose, and proceeded to bleed all over her new shirt! Awesome, right?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Thank you.
You have no idea how much each and every comment and email meant to me. I love you all mucho.
I hestitated posting that yesterday, because I am deathly afraid of failure...again. I have written about wanting to change, and have never had the motivation to follow through. It is down right embarassing.
This time is different, I promise.
When I was at Zumba on Saturday this song came on, and I kinda got emotional...not gonna lie. So for all my ladies that want to try to lose weight with me...let's do it...this is our moment, today is our day, if we get down - let's get back up.
Never know we might even end up looking better than Shakira! ;)
Monday, March 7, 2011
hitting rock bottom.

I have felt like a broken record for most of my life, always complaining about my weight...never actually doing anything about it, or falling off the wagon soon after starting the journey.
Of course I wanted to see my waistline lose inches in days, and it hasn't done that. I always lose weight in all the "wrong" my wrists, ear lobes, and toes.
I'm joking.

So as they say on Biggest Loser...The next time you see me blog-o-sphere, I will be 50 pounds lighter!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Iron Chef Baby Food: Vanessa vs. Von
Untitled from Vanessa Brown on Vimeo.
If you have a spare 10 minutes, this video is Vanessa and I battling it out Iron Chef style...see what chef prevails, and what baby Vin thought of our dishes!
I hope that you have all enjoyed this week of guest posts as much as I have.
Thank you to the ladies that were willing to help me out! It was not only nice to have some new visitors, but it was wonderful having some eye opening moments this past week. I will share soon enough, but until then...enjoy the video.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Baby Food Guest Post: Pam Baumeister
By Pam Baumeister
I’m a personal chef.
I have four kids ranging in age from 15 months to nearly 15. Every one of them has their own taste preferences. One hates peanut butter and one eats the middles out of every piece of bread she can get her hands on. Generally, those older girls are expected to eat what I’m making for everyone (or else!). But, the baby, well, she gets the special treatment. I pull out all the stops for her.
Since having my third child I decided not to buy any more baby food in jars. Sure, they’re convenient, but the nutritional value is the same or less than from foods you make yourself. Babies are expensive enough. I reason that they’ll only be little once — why not spend the time guiding them through their culinary discoveries?
Here are some of the foods I feed the littlest of eaters under nine months:
Rice cereal. Yes, I know. It comes in a box. I use it mostly because it’s easy to mix with breast milk and new eaters can’t really tolerate flavors. I’m so glad I’m not a baby anymore. That stuff tastes…blech.
Veggies. I’ve found the best way to prep them is to steam them. This way, they retain their nutritional value and it’s easy for you to gauge how soft they need to be for little gummers. Try potatoes, turnips, parsnips, sweet potatoes (the white ones), and butternut squash. Root vegetables are mild and chock full of great vitamins.
Fruit. I’ve found the easiest way to prep hard fruit for little ones (under a year) is to boil it in natural apple juice or filtered water until it’s soft enough to mush in between your fingers.
As baby gets older, I make more “gourmet” foods. Here are some my daughter has been eating and loving since age one.
Bananas, plain yogurt, and avocado. This tasty treat has all the good stuff in it. Mash up the banana and avocado separately and stir in plain yogurt. This yogurt is sweet without being too sweet.
Chicken noodle soup. I make it from scratch and throw in carrots, onions, garlic, celery, chicken (breast or thigh meat), and egg noodles in chicken broth. You’ll definitely want to have a good bib for this meal because it’s so wet. Make sure you cook it long enough that the vegetables are soft.
Fried cinnamon apples. I discovered this treat when I decided to stop eating sugar…and it turns out to be one of my baby’s favorites, too. I use one crisp apple, one tablespoon of unsalted butter, a dash of sea salt and cinnamon to taste. Fry it all up on the stove and serve warm. Note: I also add chopped almonds or pecans to mine…but, you can’t give those to babies who don’t have molars.
Bon appetite!
Resource: The Healthy Baby Meal Planner by Annabel Karmel
I’ve found this book to be extremely helpful in what and when to feed babies. There are lots of great recipes in here you’ll find very useful.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Baby Food Guest Post: Azucar
It started with a box of rice cereal. I picked it up at the store because that’s what you’re supposed to pick up when you have a baby. The rice cereal stood on the shelf, gleaming in its plastic wrap with a dozen just like it, in the baby goods section in the middle of the store, far from the produce and refrigerated areas. The baby on the front was the same darling sketched baby you see in your baby dreams. I took it home and put it on my pantry shelf. When my son turned six months, I took off the plastic wrapping, punched through the cardboard, and shook flat, flaky bits into a small bowl. I looked at the pile of small white shavings; it didn’t look like rice. I stirred in some breast milk and watched the shavings turn into a white, pasty goo. The box said it was fortified with a dozen vitamins and minerals and wouldn’t expire for another two years. Two years.
I put down the bowl and looked around my kitchen. An open cardboard box sat on my counter. My mother-in-law, always excited for every baby product on the face of the planet, had mailed me pureed baby food in the cardboard box, sealed in packages, and ranging in color from beige to dark beige. My eyes skipped to the avocado in the fruit basket: dark green, bumpy, almost glossy, perfect. I opened the avocado, gave it a run through with a fork, and fed that to my baby.
Something didn’t seem right about the baby food in the store. Processed, pressed, milled, sealed, fillers, shelf-stable for months or years. I don’t eat that kind of food. Doctors tell you not to eat that kind of food. Why do baby doctors tell you to feed your baby that kind of food? It goes against everything you know about what food is: real, whole, unprocessed, fresh, in its original state, no added ingredients, no fillers, something that eventually decomposes. This made no sense.
So I looked it up. I read books. I found out that to make rice cereal, the whole grain of rice is stripped of its nutritious shell, processed, and vitamins and minerals are added to try to make it worth something again (because they took out what was good and integral and had to add a synthetic version back in.) White and starchy--what you’re supposed to avoid. Vitamins and minerals that your baby probably can’t even absorb because it doesn’t come from real food. So what did I feed him?
I took vegetables and meats from stews, cut them into bite sized pieces, and let baby feed himself. I made oatmeal. Whatever fresh fruits and vegetables we had with dinner, he had: red peppers, pears, peas, broccoli, peaches, carrots, chicken, celery, beans, beef, barley, quinoa, squash, green beans, and actual rice.
That wasn’t the end of it. I didn’t feed him. No sitting in front of a baby chair with a jar of beige and a spoon trying to coax my child into opening his mouth. He sat on my lap and ate from my plate. Why do babies reach for your plate? Because evolution has told them that what you’re eating is safe to eat. Why wasn’t he propped up in a high chair? Because your child should be sitting by themselves before they eat solid foods. Why wasn’t I using a spoon? Because babies do not have the enzymes they need to process solid food until they are old enough to reach out, grab that food with their own fingers, and put that food in their own mouths. Why wasn’t I trying to force him to finish a jar? Because a baby doesn’t know from jar weight; he knows when he’s not hungry anymore. Parents making their child eat when they don’t want to is another building block in teaching a child to override their inner signals and create food/obesity issues. What about iron and vitamins in processed cereal, doesn't baby need those? It's better for you AND your baby to get iron and vitamins from foods that naturally contain those nutrients because your body can actually process and use those nutrients (most artificially fortified foods and even vitamin supplements aren't readily absorbed by your body and pass through your system.)
What’s this called? Baby-led weaning. You present healthy, whole foods to your baby, and your baby feeds herself and decides when she’s done. This is the way that babies were fed for hundreds of thousands of years, until about 80 years ago when some corporations decided to market processed food to parents. Those parents bought the food because it seemed new and fashionable; a mark that you could afford it. And then, pretty soon, people thought that was the only thing you were supposed to feed your baby. Science told moms that their milk wasn’t enough to keep babies alive, so moms should start pureeing “real” food and spooning it down their month-old babies’ throats. And then, pretty soon, people thought that even older babies were supposed to eat pureed food. That’s not how babies are designed to be fed. Babies who are weaned onto real food and still mostly drink breast milk don’t have constipation problems. Babies who wean themselves don’t reject foods with texture and flavor. They have fewer allergies, they suffer less from gluten-intolerance, Crohn’s Disease, and obesity.
It makes logical sense. And it’s easier.
Stop believing a corporation’s marketing about what your child should be eating and when. Ignore your doctor when they tell you can start feeding your child solid food before they're six months old--especially if your baby is less than four months. Your doctor is probably old and doesn't know better. You know better. You know your baby. And your baby is smart. Your baby will reach over, grab food, and start eating it when she's ready to start eating solid food. Open a banana, not a jar.
Thank you Azucar for posting on my blog, and for being my biggest breast feeding support via Twitter. She is my go-to for my questions!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Baby Food Guest Post: Kamie Allen
In all of the excitement, you are faced with choices. Lots and lots of choices. Life altering choices.
Cloth diapers or disposable.
Huggies or Pampers.
Formula or Breast Milk.
Similac or Enfamil.
Stay at Home or Working Mom.
Jarred food or fresh.
Whether to wear your baby or not.
The list could go on and on. And on.
There seems to be opinions and advice coming at you from every direction. Whether that advice is wanted or not... well... I'll let you decide. Everyone thinks that their way is the best way, and well... It is... for them. In the end it just leaves you confused and feeling inadequate. At least that is how I felt. (Just to carify, there is some advice that is definitely welcomed, when asked for.)

When Gage first started eating solid food, I wanted the absolute best and freshest food for for him. Of course I was going to make homemade baby food and never give him anything that had been processed or bought in a box. Right? Cause that is what all good mom's do!
I wish I could stick to all of my ideals.
Off I went, making and freezing baby food. Lots of baby food. Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Broccoli, Apples, Mango, and well... that was about it. Those are the vegetables and fruits that I had on hand, but it was a good starting point.
After I fed Gage the same fruits and vegetables for weeks and weeks and weeks, we were getting low. My desire to feed him only the best was still there, but the energy to get it done was not. I was a working mom working 5 days a week. I did not want to spend my weekends making baby food and cleaning up the dishes. Call me lazy, I don't mind. My pocket book was not willing to afford the variety of food that I wanted to feed Gage either. I didn't want him to grow up only liking sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, apples, and mango.
But, I should just feed him what I already have in my fridge, right? Because of course it is full of fresh produce of all kinds of varieties.

And get this, the world didn't end. And he keeps growing at a healthy rate. Awesome, right?
Yeah, it may be more pricey, but it is worth my time. I love having time on the weekend with my family. I don't miss making baby food. I can feed Gage jarred food combinations that I would never feed him otherwise. For example, I would not buy berries just to make baby food. It doesn't seem practical to me. I love that I have a variety of food at my fingertips! I can buy a variety without spending lots of money on something that will take Gage months to get through. He gets a chance to like foods that I would never purchase or even like. Plus, have you ever tried to throw frozen baby food into your diaper bag to take to the babysitters house? Yes, that's right. I buy jarred food for convenience.
(I realize you do not need me to convince you or give you any advice, I just want those moms out there that are like me to know that it's okay if you decide not to make your own baby food. Your baby will turn out just fine!)
As Gage has gotten older and is able to eat more table food, we feed him what we are eating. Whatever I can mash with my fork, he gets a bite of. He love black beans, breads, cheese, turkey, and any vegetables. (okay so he will eat anything and everything) He still eats pure foods, I am just not making all of them. Does that make me a bad mom, maybe, but a more sane mom.
I don't feed Gage milk (yet), peanut butter, nuts, strawberries or a few other various foods. Once he has reached a year old, I will branch out more and start feeding him some of these foods. I guess this is where I could ask you what you feed your one year olds. Are there things you shouldn't feed your babies? Or are most foods free game?
I may buy easy foods for convenience, but I can tell you that most likely (I won't say never) hotdogs or chicken nuggets won't become a staple for Gage anytime soon. As much as I want it to be easy, I want it to be healthy too. I want him to grow up loving fruits and veggies and whole grains. I want him to grow up eating what WE are eating. I will not make a separate meal for him. I want to teach him about eating a well balanced diet. I want fruits and veggies to be something that he WANTS to eat, not something that he has to eat.
Again, these are ideals. You can check back with me in 18 years and we'll chat again.
Sure, I still feed him baby puff snacks, yogurt melts, cheerios, baby cookies, baby cheetos, but we wouldn't get through church, appointments, or car rides without them. His current favorite food may or may not be jarred Macaroni and Cheese. Gross! Let's face it, maybe there is no hope. I may have a child that only eats junk food, watches TV all day and refuses to go outside and get some fresh air... but well... at least it will be easy to keep an eye on him. :)
I know we could argue all day about what I should and shouldn't feed my child, but this is how I like it. Variety and convenience all wrapped up in one cute little package. This is what works for me. Find what works for you. If that means stopping by Mickey D's on the way home to get a cheeseburger, then by all means, go to Mickey D's. :)