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Friday, March 18, 2011

Our Boy is 1.

One year.
One whole year!
One whole year since Devin came into this world, and our Party of 3 became 4.

Leading up to his delivery I thought I wasn't going to make it, and now it has been a darn year!

Boggles my mind.

It is always amazing to me that in one single day your world can change completely, and March 19th, 2010 will be one of those days.

There is nothing like having a "fresh one" in the house...sweetest feeling ever. As soon as I say that though...there is nothing like hearing your 6 year old push your 1 year old in the laundry basket up and down the the 1 year screams and giggles with delight! Every stage is new and fun, and it doesn't matter how many times you have done it! ;)

Devin is my much as it annoys his Daddy. (I say it is pay back for when Van was a baby and liked him waaay more!)

Devin is our tornado, or as his Uncle Hiram nicknamed him...Devin-ator!

Devin is truly a Sell through and through. He doesn't look at a single thing in the room if he has food in front of him, and eats as quickly as he it is his last meal.

Devin is sensitive like his Mommy...I have a problem passing this trait on. If you tell Devin he is a "Naughty Boy" you would think his world was ending. It is kinda sweet.

Devin is going to conquer the world just like he did the stairs! Determination is in his veins, and nothing is going to stop him.

The funnier things about Devin are his pure love for toilet water, and throwing his bath toys in the toilet. He loves to jump off the bed into open arms, and I am awaiting the day he does this without someone waiting to catch him. He doesn't back down from a good challenge! He loves tossin' the pig skin around, and it is about the only thing he will sit for an extended amount of time for...except eating of course! ;)

Devin is all smiles...unless his big sister is trying to tell him how to do something or taking one of his toys away.

Not to long ago Paul and I were commenting on how it feels like we have always had Devin. Weird how that happens.

I like to call Devin my light at the end of a dark tunnel. I am the first to admit we were a little nervous to have a boy, but he is my boy, and I love him dearly.

Happy Birthday Buddy.

I think you are perfect, and even though you give me a run for my keep us entertained with your busy little self!

I love you from the top of your mohawk down to your chubby toes!


Ma Ma Ma Ma


dust and kam said...


I hope you have the best first birthday ever.


Vanessa Brown said...

ok Abby still talks about how you guys were nervous to have a boy. It cracks me up she still remembers that!! Hope he is feeling better.

Cathy said...

Happy birthday to your cutie pie!

Kings said...

so so so so so so sweet. I love it. I love him. Happy Birthday Devers!

Richter's said...

Happy Birthday Devin!!!

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday Devin!! I love seeing all your pictures!

jayni & ben said...

Happy birthday devin. I am so excited to see you and T run around together. You are sooo cute and I have enjoyed watching you grow.

Jerilee E. said...

oh baby Devin! I remember holding you when you were just days old... with your mama wishing I would get the heck out of her house so she could rest! ;)
Boys really are lots of fun- and you got yourself one handsome little man.