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Monday, March 28, 2011

What is your favorite mini getaway?

Aubrey asked this question, and said her mini getaway was driving alone in her car, anywhere, with the music screaming loud. :) A woman after my heart indeed.

Here is my response...

Being a working Mom I have a "getaway" every day I go to work. It is not my favorite, but it does make me come home ready to be a better Mommy and Wife again.

Grocery shopping without children is like heaven on earth.

A uninterrupted shower every day would be a dream come true...on the rare occasion it does happen, I do a happy dance while in the shower.

All these things are great, but my favorite would definitely be the tradition Paul and I started after Vin was born. We put the kids to bed early on Saturday night, order take out, rent a movie, and veg. Yes, a night on the town would be pleasant and possibly more lovely...but we don't leave our babies very often, or ever. :) Although it isn't necessarily a "getaway"...I love me some alone time with Paul, even if it is just in our loft!
and blogger hates me, and is double spacing everything...grrrr.


AubreyMo said...

I think a night at home, in pajamas watching movies beats going out any night - I'm sure it's even better that you don't have to pay a babysitter, tip a waiter, and spend more on popcorn and drinks than you did on the movie! Thanks for answering my question, lovely. Hope you're having a great day!

Kristina P. said...

Sounds perfect. I also think you need a Chick-Fil-A giveaway.

Kristina P. said...

Or getaway.

Tiffany said...


Rebecca said...

Ryan and I love doing that too! But since the German came, we haven't had many of those nights. We REALLY miss them!

Vanessa said...

ok right after having abby i realized showers are my FAVORITE THING. Yes yes yes my getaways are SHOWERS!

Emily Christine said...

I love those kind of nights! :)

dust and kam said...

i have to agree. A shower without a screaming baby in the monitor? That would probably be pretty nice. I really like going out to dinner though. That is my favorite get-away.