This is why Blogger hates me!!
This is how I want my post to look...
This is how it is posting it...
I tried to edit the HTML, and put the "break" code so that there is space between paragraphs...and it won't work. Grr. I really want to blog, I have a lot to say.
Check this thread and see if it will resolve your problem:
I'm wondering if you have other code in there that is canceling out something you're trying to do. Try looking at the beginning and end of your post and or paragraphs to see if there is anything you dont recognize or need. The end of tags look like and the beginnings look like .
It sounds like you've been staring at this code for a long time trying to make this post work so I'm sure you've probably already done this but I thought I'd just throw that out.
Try putting in the break code twice, this fixed it when I had a problem (which eventually worked itself out and now I dont need to do it)
I would be happy to look at the code if you'd like! Just copy and paste the HTML into an email. ;)
oh yes take emilys help! if she can't do it try @tech4moms or @tech4mommies or something like that on twitter. that would be driving me nuts so ask the ladies for help! :)
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