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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

soo...this is what 30 feels like.

I had a whole post written for today.

I woke up, and something happened and I decided to delete and start over.

Today I am 30.  Still can't believe it.  There is something about being in your 30's that feels much more adult.  I like to think I can still act 20 something, and sometimes even 18.

Here is where I should tell you all my big accomplishments I have conquered in my 30 years.
Truth is...

I haven't climbed the tallest mountain.
I haven't ran any long races.
I haven't traveled to far off lands.
I haven't graduated from any big University.
I haven't got some major promotion at work.
What I am very proud of is...

My marriage, my children, and the other amazing people that I surrounded myself with.  To me that is by far the most important part of my 30 years.
So...ready or not...Von is 30...and I am going to show you just how cool it really can be!


Frieda Loves Bread said...

Happy birthday!! Yes, 30 is the new 20! And you do look cool skating with a it! Have a fabulous day!

Cathy said...

Happy birthday to you! I hope you have a great one! And I love your freckles.

Kalli said...

Yes to that 2nd picture. Awesome. 30 is flirty! I'll meet you there in November!

Jerilee E. said...

Happy birthday to you!! I think you've accomplished the best things in your 30 years. Like a baby that will SLEEP while being pushed around a skating rink! (Love that picture).
I hope your day is fantastic! You're right, 30 ain't so bad :). I say that like I didn't just leave '30' behind a few weeks ago...

Unknown said...

I agree when you turn 30, you feel more like you are now finally an adult, and one who has a past of accomplishments to be proud of! Family, kids, marriages etc.

Then again..I too feel like I should still be in the twenty somethings. I have always worked with alot of younger teenagers and felt like I still fit in, now I am 30 I just feel old compared to them LOL

Hope you have the best birthday ever! Happy 30th!

Living the Scream said...

Happy Birthday! I will be 30 in October and it just seems so weird. I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

Kristina P. said...

Happy birthday, my friend! We need to party it up!

Kings said...

woohoo happy birthday! (i can't believe how long your hair is!)

dust and kam said...

Happy Birthday.

You are cool.

Unknown said...


And I totally didn't know you have the same birthday as Mark...Crazy stuff! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have an awesome Day!!

Emily said...

Happy birthday, babe! You make 30 look fantastic!

Jobi Niu said...

Happy Birthday! Loved this post. Ya look great! :)

Raising Warriors said...

Happy birthday!! :)

Unknown said...

Happy 30th Birthday!

the nayz said...

Happy birthday young lady. I have enjoyed my thirties so far!

Layla said...

Happy birthday!!

kendahl a. said...

Happy birthday love! Have the best one ever.

Vanessa Brown said...

i love you happy bday, i am calling you tonight!!


Tiffany said...

HAPPY DIRTY 30!! You are amazing!! xoxo

Jamie Newman said...

Happy Birthday!!

Emily Christine said...

I just love your post. It gave me goose bumps! You should be proud of all that you have accomplished! I just love the pic of you and Devin! Man girl you look AWESOME!! Did you get my video's I sent you last night?

Heather said...

Happy birthday! You're looking great in that last photo!

Question, are the curls your real hair or is the straight your real hair? I'm picking straight because I dont know too many working mothers of two who find time to straighten their hair as perfectly straight as your is lol.

Those glasses totally made me giggle...I had a pair just that size and shape but bright purple! Oh dear! :P

Lyle Family said...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday!


jayni & ben said...

Happy birthday you hottie. I would never guess you are a day over 20. Love the pictures you posted.

Susan said...

Happy Birthday Lady!! Hope you had a fabulous day!

Greg and Heather said...

Happy birthday! I guess it's not your b-day anymore. Oops. Reaching my "mid 30's" has been much harder than 30 was.

Cal said...

Happy Happy Birthday. WElcome to the 30's. They aren't so bad! I love you and hope you have a wonderful day and month. April Rocks!!!!

Lindsay said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!! Love that you went roller skating!!!

Sherry said...

Happy Birthday! Since I don't get to say it on Facebook, this is the place. :)
I am glad you are taking 30 in stride. I never turned 30......went from 29 to 31.
Hope your day was wonderful.

Hailee said...

Happy Belated Birthday Evonne!! I hope that you had a great day and Paul spoiled you rotten. I think about you guys all the time. Hope all is well!!
PS. Tell me your tricks. How is the HECK did you get Devin to go to sleep at the roller skating rink?? My kids would have NEVER done that.
PPS. You are looking great.