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Monday, April 18, 2011

when my man decorates

I have been decorating here and there. It has been fun to hang the beautiful pictures from Kim Orlandini Photography of Vin in my bedroom, and I made a trip to Ikea for some throw pillows that were desperately needed for my bed.

Paul has strong opinions of what I do in our house. Maybe most husbands don't care, but mine does. I have done a lot of the small decorating without his opinion this time. He did not approve.

Sooo...because I did it without him...he did some decorating on his own.
Yes, he is funny like that.


kenna said...

Dats some hawt decorating.

Tiffany said...

I LOVE your new bed and TV! And the Disney characters add some "character" hee hee... Also fyi my husband thinks he's the authority on decorating, I can't do anything without his approval.....

Kristina P. said...

At least they aren't deer heads!

dust and kam said...

That is too funny. :)

Emily said...

I'm with Kristina--at least they're not hunting trophies!

Lindsay said...

I love it! So funny! By the way, here's to the swoob!!!

the nayz said...

love the new decor ;) Jason feels he has to have say in the decor too, but once I do something he likes it. Although, we may have issues when I redo my front room the way I want to!

The Barron's said...

SO funny! ha ha! Some decor the kids will have fun with! :)

Unknown said...

that is actually pretty funny! you have a crack up as a hubby! I love it!

Unknown said...

You guys are a woot!
ooxoo Me