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Thursday, July 28, 2011

the girl in green.

Van has these hand-me-down green shoes.  I will be honest, I am not a huge fan.  I think the reason why Van loves them so much is because they have a little bit of a high heel. 
Whenever she is getting ready to leave she BEGS me to put them on.  Sometimes I say yes, but mostly it is a no.  On Saturday she got herself ready, and came downstairs in an ALL green outfit.  I didn't clue in right away that the reason why she was dressed this way is because she was going to use the line "the green shoes match my I am wearing them!"
Man, I love this kid.  Doesn't she look like she is ready for St. Patty's Day!?


Kristina P. said...

She certainly won't ever get pinched!

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

What are you talking about? Those shoes are cute! Have her try them with a pair of jeans and see if you like them. ;)

The Hills said...

LOL!! Too funny! Gotta love a girl that knows what she wants :)

Vanessa said...

heee hee abby does this with the color blue, drives me nutso but with that much effort heck...they deserve it.

Tiffany said...

I think those shoes are adorable!! She is too cute and funny~