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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

and then I cried.

I am proud to report that I have done a much better job at not crying every. single. day these last weeks of pregnancy. I may even go so far to say that I am enjoying these last weeks of pregnancy. {Pick up your chin from the keyboard, I really did just said that!} It has everything to do with not going to work, my family is noticing...and I don't mind this happy state I am in.

Last night I was in this bubble of bliss, and then it happen. I cried, the ugly kind.

I cried because I am worried about my husband who is working endless amounts of hours, not sleeping, and is overwhelmed.

I cried because I want everything to work out perfectly, I know this is unrealistic...but I am still hoping for it.

I cried because I am afraid of failing.

I cried because I am doing my best, and there is always going to be someone that doesn't think your best is good enough.

I cried because I just want us to catch a break.

And then I started to cry because I feel overly blessed with what I have. My husband has been so supportive, I wish I could list everything that he has done. My kids have been so well behaved, helpful, loving, and say the kindest things to me. I am adding a baby to our family, and I feel so overwhelmed with love for her.

I wiped my tears, and I decided my pity party needed to be over...because gosh darn it the tears were really unnecessary...
The joy of being 39 weeks pregnant.


kendahl a. said...

39 weeks pregnant and your toes were still cute. Is that even allowed? :)

~kamie~ said...

I am so glad you enjoyed your last weeks of pregnancy. I am so glad you have an amazing family.
I am so glad you are home!
I am so glad your beautiful Sabrina arrived safely.
I am so glad you are you.