I decided I wanted to spruce up the flower beds, and it was a fun project for us all to do. Savannah really got excited about color coordination, and Devin loved digging the big holes. I normally plant flowers, but we decided that it would be fun this year to do some seeds as well. The package said that the seeds take about 4-6 weeks to grow. It turned out that is exactly when baby sister was estimated to arrive...we thought it would be the perfect way to countdown to her. When we had flowers, we knew she would be close.
We have chased down the ice cream truck, and been unsuccessful...and Mommy saved the day by having cones and ice cream waiting at home instead.
I bought squirt guns, and it didn't take long for Devin to figure out how to use it. We even decided they are a fun toy in the bathtub, even though the bathroom rug and everything else got soaked.
We have gotten lots of use out of one of Devin's Easter toys...and have been spending loads of time out in the sunshine. It doesn't matter how long we spend outside, those two kids are never ready to come in. I have to bribe them with treats. Savannah taught Devin how to use the slip 'n' slide, and man I got a lot of really good belly laughs in. I have completely given up on clothes for Devin, between swimming to peeing in the toilet, it is much easier to let him run in a diaper.
The kids have been spoiled most every night with Paul...he has been on a kick of taking them to the play ground to get all their energy out. They still wake up way to early, but Savannah is the ultimate big sister...she takes Devin downstairs and gets them both breakfast until I can fully function. It is tender, and I love her for helping me so much.
I have learned so much about myself, and every day I wake up determined to be a better Mom, Wife, and person than the day before. Some days I fail miserably, but I realize I am a work in progress.
We are all a work-in-progress and I have to remind myself of this fact all the time. I love hearing about all your adventures with your kids. You're rockin' this mom thing!
Ditto to Emily's comment!!! :)
You're at a good starting point already. You are an awesome mom!
I love all the pictures - so "in the moment"!
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