American Crafts Warehouse Sale...
I got an e-mail inviting me to the VIP day at American Crafts. Of course I said yes, but I had no idea just how lucky I was to be able to attend. I was on cloud 9 shopping at the warehouse sale, and you will be too!
The deals are FABULOUS! I am going back, I didn't get enough. My next trip I have a plan...Vin's baby anouncements, Vin's baby book, neighbor gifts, and lots of ribbon and paper. If I buy too much (if there is such a thing) I will give it as awesome gifts!! If you don't live in the area, it is worth the drive. I drove almost an hour to go...I will do it again. Plan a trip, I will come!Wanna follow American Crafts on Twitter: click hereWanna become an American Crafts Facebook fan: click here
Sigh. I miss AC. Kiss all the pretty papers for me please :)
Ahhhh lady there is such a thing as buying to much!To much of a good thing can become not such a good thing! lol!!!I only give ya a hard time because I don't scrap-at-least not yet! lol! Enjoy!"Every penny spent put ten in your piggy"!!
ooxoo Me
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