I remember the day that I came back to work after having 10 weeks off with Van. Paul stood in the garage crying with Van in his arms. I was sad, but not as sad Paul was. I was excited to see my friends, and to talk...because I like talking. =) I have worked since I can remember, and I enjoy the feeling of contributing to my needs. I never worry about Van, Paul is a really good Dad. I only hear from Paul while I am at work to make sure that I am doing okay. Paul has been the one to clean up the throw up, the blow outs, and has been there to kiss Van's ow-e's when she falls. I never hear complaints about Van not behaving, Paul being annoyed, or things not going exactly as expected. Maybe that is why it is not as hard for me to go to work...I am lucky to have Paul.

When we got pregnant with Vin it was our hope that I would be able to stay home. I started looking into insurance, we had high hopes after the first couple of initial phone calls. It seemed to be something that might actually come true. Today we got the news that we weren't hoping for...it was going to be too costly. Everyone knows that Paul takes extremely expensive pills for his depression and insomnia...insurance companies triple and quadruple the prices for our insurance because of this. Total lame sauce. I can't say that I didn't shed a tear or two that my dream won't be coming true with Vin. I realized after having a teeny-tiny pitty party...I will be okay, we will be okay.

I'm sorry, thats so hard.
I stayed home with my kids for 6 years..then went back to work at nights only 4 days a week. It was harder than I had ever imagined. Hard on all of us, kids were use to their bedtime stories, cuddling and me tucking them in and it all stopped. It was such a hard change, but you do what you need to for your family.
I was sooooo blessed to be able to stay home with them as long as I did. I loved every minute of it. With me going back to work,It was nice for the kids to connect with Brandon and build that bond with him while I was at work too. I agree with the friends at work..etc. it was nice to talk to more than just babies and toddlers all day :) and have a little me time to breath and not worry where or what the kids were doing.
Insurance is so expensive, it definitely makes things more difficult in that aspect.
Good Luck with everything!
I admire your commitment to taking care of your family Evonne, they are so lucky to have you!
I'm right there with you, Evonne! I would give anything to be able to stay at home with my kids, but certain circumstances require my working so we have to make the best of it.
And you're right, we still appreciate and love our children and maybe tend to give them extra loves and kisses because we can't see them as often.
Lucky for you, it sounds like your situation is "working" for the time being. Van is lucky to be able to spend her time with her dad and her mom and you're lucky to have a husband who enjoys it and doesn't complain.
I hope one day your dream comes true. In the meantime, hang in there and enjoy EVERY moment with those cute kid (s - almost) like you are. This too shall pass, right? :) You're amazing!
Love that last part--very well said. I'm one of those moms who are able to stay home with the kids and find myself wishing I could get out and work outside the home. So I often have to count the blessings of being home to remind myself that life is good! ;)
I am so sorry to hear that things couldn't work out for you to stay home...i am amazed that you can be positive even after hearing bad news...that shows how special and strong you are!
You are a wonderful mom to Van and soon to be Vin and working doesn't change that. The thing that I learned when I had to work, was just cherish the times you have at home. I am sorry to hear that things didn't work out.
I'm so sorry that the insurance thing didn't work out...the cost of medical care just sucks royally. You are so lucky to have Paul and to be able to enjoy every precious minute you have with your little girl!
You are such a good Mom and wife to have such a positive attitude about hard circumstances that you can not control. I admire you :)
I love this post. You rock!!!
You do what you gotta do. Your kids will be fine. My mom worked my whole life and I turned out ok.
Don't beat yourself up over it AT ALL!
Your an awesome mom. Keep doing what you know is best and I am sure things will continue to work out for your family.
My mom worked until she had her last baby when I was 8 and my brother was 5 and we turned out ok. Right? I hope :) You're a great woman, I admire and look up to you!
My mom worked until I was 8 or 9, too. It did not damage me one bit. When you are not with Van, she is with her Dad- seriously, if you have to work, what better set up can you ask for?? She is with at least one of her parents all the time- and she gets quality time with both of you. That doesn't change the desire to be with them all the time, I know- but being so strong and willing to do what needs to be done for your family shows what an awesome mom you are- they are lucky to have you :).
(((hugs))) I was a stay-at-home mom for a couple of months (and now I get to be one during the summer). I found that I'm a better mom when I work than when I'm not working.
You always find a way to make it all work out. I am amazed at moms who work, you ladies are wonder women.
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