What is the best part of being a Mom?

Even talking about being a Mom can make me tear up. I had wanted to be a Mother since I was 5. I dreamed and longed for the day that my day would come. Motherhood for me hasn't disappointed all my hopes and expectations...it is everything I could have asked for and more. I didn't want to "wait" a day to have our Van, but the day she came I realized it was absolutely perfect timing. I feel the same way about our Vin.

5 years ago I would have said that the best part of being a Mom would be to hear the sounds that Van would make while she was sound asleep on my chest. Then there was that phase of walking, talking, eating new foods, and seeing everything for the first time...those were all the best part of being a Mom. Van is now my big girl, and the best part of being her Mom is just that...I am HER MOM. There is nothing better than that.
The best part of being Vin's Mom...well, I still have skinny days...he has been kind to me in that way. =) He is a quiet little thing. Vin likes my music, and will break out in dance with me in the car on the way home. He is brave, I know this because he is the first boy of 7 girls! You have to agree with that!?
I couldn't be luckier to be Van and Vin's Mom!

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LOVE LOVE LOVE the pics!!!! What a great response!!
Such a cute family pictur of you guys! It really is hard to narrow down what the BEST thing is about being a mom. It's obvious how much you love your little Van. :) They (Van and Vin) are lucky to have you!
I love reading other's thoughts on motherhood. Couldn't agree more with you!
And have I mentioned that I LOVE your family pics?
so precious and such a perfect answer!
You are a great mom!
It IS hard to pick one best thing about being a mom! The best thing is BEING a mom. Have I already said how stinkin' cute you guys are??? Cuz you are!
AWWW looooove the photos. They're so cute!
Wow you realy do have a beautiful fam. Great pics I might have to call this gal! You ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL AND HANDSOME (PAUL)
I love all the stages too!
Lydia has that dress too!
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