It finally happened at the Sell home this weekend...we threatened Van that Santa wouldn't come if she didn't shape up. Is that horrible? Do you do this? You should have seen Van's reaction after the words spilled out of our mouths...pure horror. It turned in to Van having a really good cry, blotchy face, a headache (for everyone), and her sleeping on the couch...because she may have said that we didn't love her...and after those little words were uttered, we gave in to her every request. Is this what happens when you threaten your children with Santa? Or do I just have a little sensitive thing on my hands? I am not sure that we will do it again, it might have been a little traumatic for her.
I definitely think that is considered pulling out the big guns!
I will admit to saying I won't let Santa come before. It does bring about a HUGE emotional reaction! Now we use the 'Do you want to be on the NICE list or the NAUGHTY list?' approach when it is needed :). It works WONDERS... judge me, I don't care.
Not only do I use the Santa threat, but the other day I actually called Santa (my cell phone in the other room) from the home phone and had a nice little chat with him (on my voicemail)in front of my boys because they were being so naughty! Sometimes it's the only thing that does the trick! And I've already started thinking about the Easter Bunny after Christmas! HA HA I am soooo mean!!!
Oh YES I DO! You do what you have to... Sorry she had such a huge meltdown... I have called Santa on my cell before too.... He lets them know on Christmas morning if they made the nice list with a certificate in their stockings....
I'm bad, I started threatening Santa in June, lol
oh my girls know I am full of it when I threaten that, I get NO reaction
TOTALLY did this last night to get the kids to calm the heck down and GO TO SLEEP. Oy veh. I did feel it was a cheap blow to threaten calling Santa, but it's survival of the fittest at this house and I'll probably have to use it again today.. What will we do after Christmas is over?
I pulled out the Santa card a time or two and I have gotten big alligator tears and made the saddest little kid on the planet. I just told him he had a choice to make on being good and doing what he needed to or having Santa put him on the naughty list. Torturous, I know but sometimes, you have to step it up a notch when nothing else works.
we do the nice list or the naughty list too..I have threatened with Santa a time or two and it does get them emotional then I feel bad. I swear the week before Christmas all the tantrums come out, so if we didn't have Santa to help keep it sane what would we do LOL
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