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Monday, March 21, 2011

you are never fully dressed without a smile.

Every Monday I have been taking pictures of myself. I wear the same shirt so I can tell progress in my weight...I am hoping one of these weeks I will be able to tell. Ya know since I threw my scale away, I don't really know if I have lost any weight. For me this weight loss thing is not getting to a certain number, it is looking good and feeling comfortable. If I find that comfort at be it.

Last week I took a bunch of pictures of me before getting "ready" and after getting "ready" for the day.

I noticed something.

I look skinnier, happier, and way HOTTER...when I actually smile and get ready. =)

My goal for this week (besides still working out and eating better) is to put contacts in, wear make up, and maybe do something to my hair other than a pony tail.

Most of you probably already get ready for the day. A lot of days I have Vin holding on to my legs while I blow dry my hair, and it becomes a challenge to take the extra minutes for the little things...

Maybe one of these Monday's I will post some before and after pictures, I am not feeling brave enough today.

Instead I post a picture of my BFF and myself at her reception on Saturday...

Notice I am not wearing a pony tail or a bun!! Woohoo! =)


kendahl a. said...

You can do it! I just know it!

AubreyMo said...

Gorgeous. It's so hard to not pull your hair up. I can't even go an entire day without pulling mine into a ponytail. Good luck with your goals, you are doing great!

Brooke said...

I love it!! You look beautiful!!! I like the idea of taking pics in the same shirt to see the change.

Kristina P. said...

You have such a great smile. You look beautiful!

Emily said...

I find it always makes a difference even if I just throw on a little cover-up, powder and mascara on my face and step away from the sweats. Of course, knowing that and doing it are two very different things! But you are doing SO awesome! I am so proud of you!

Living the Scream said...

Cute picture! I never get ready for the day I am even known to take my 2nd grader to school in my pj's (something I said I would never do)I do feel so much better when I get ready as well!

Jerilee E. said...

I totally agree- I always feel better about everything when I actually take the time to get ready (ie: brush my hair). You always look cute! I didn't get that lucky ;).

Mrs. O said...

Pretty! And what a great idea.

Steph said...

You really are sexy my hawtie friend.