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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Ever wanted to try Zumba. Here is your chance for FREE. Added bonus, you get to do it with me. Oh, and see my money maker shake all over the place! Come, dance, laugh at me...please!


dust and kam said...

i wish i could come.

i want to come.

Emily said...

I heard they were doing Zumba classes in Nevada now! ;) (inside joke)

Emily Christine said...

I wish I could... sounds like a blast!

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun!! My sister has been doing Jazzercise for a couple months and her butt is so tight!! haha! :) Is Zumba hard? I am not coordinated....Can a beginner do it?

Jerilee E. said...

If I can hitch a ride w/ ya, I am there :). We are down to one car at the moment... sad, sad day.

Brenda said...

YES!!! One of these days it's going to have to be a must!

Unknown said...

I am definitely going to come and give it a try, even though I have major white girl syndrome.

Richter's said...

Wished they had this in Wisconsin, but no such luck!