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Monday, July 2, 2012

so this is what it feels like.

{This was written at the beginning of June.}

Paul came home and told me that he made an executive decision, and I couldn't argue with it. Friday would be my last day working, and I would wait out the rest of my pregnancy at home. Even though I love being home, I loved the idea of going to bed at a decent hour, and I could think of a long list of things that I wanted to accomplish before Bri came...

I was scared. I was worried, and I wanted to argue.

Things have been stressful around these parts for longer than I would like to admit. It has something to do with a Doctor bill over $2,000, a hospital bill over $3,000, buying a new car with a down payment of $3,000...shall I go on? Even though my part time working gig doesn't bring home our bacon anymore, I was having a hard time quitting. I felt capable of sitting at my job to help us out a little more.

I didn't argue with Paul, but Saturday and Sunday I wasn't as excited as I thought I would be to finally not have to work.

Monday rolled around, and so did my 5:55 AM wake up call named Devin.  Ever since the big room switch-a-roo...that boy can't sleep in to save his life. That is a post for another day.

I decided I needed to stop being in survival mode, change my attitude, and stop spending so much time being worried about things I really have zero control over. Easier said than done, but I felt successful when the day was done.
We went to the splash pad. Savannah and I cooked a really good stir fry for a late lunch. The kids played, took naps, and watched a movie. We went on a little road trip to Provo for dinner, dessert, and the kids ran through the water fully was all so lovely.
After my little heart swelled while I listened to Devin say his prayers, and Savannah read bedtime stories for was decided I like the way this feels. I can definitely get use to this. I am sure not every day will be awesome...but the good will definitely outweigh the bad.
Tomorrow? Well, I have an idea of donuts from the gas station for breakfast, dollar section at Target for prizes for the kiddies, and a quick stop at the craft store to find something for us to create and get messy with.


Liana Brown said...

You dont know me... I am totally blog stalking this morning! But I am dying to know exactly where this park is! It looks so fun and we are burnt out on our normal parks! My email is

Unknown said...

Just in case anyone else wants to know, this is Liberty Park. :)

kendahl a. said...

Your kids are so dang cute. I can't wait to see the new addition. And I'm glad you enjoy being at home with your kiddos!

~kamie~ said...

I love that you can stay home with your cute family. Now I only wish I could visit.