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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Being A MoM!

I had no idea when Paul and I brought Savannah in to this world how much my life would change! She truly is my best little friend. Savannah is honestly the sweetest spit fire you'll ever meet. She will get me a tissue when I cry, and yell at me when she doesn't like what I have to tell her. Savannah is so much like me. It sounds so cliche when I say I'm happy to have her in my little family.
Who knew that after just 3 short years I would have experienced so many different emotions. I have told so many people that I thought that I would be a much different Mom, a much more patient one. Savannah likes to see how mad she can make me. A recent habit of hers is talking back. I thought that this would happen a lot later in her life, but maybe I'm suppose to learn early so I know how to cope with it in the teenage years.
Just when I think I am doing everything wrong Savannah will surprise me. Savannah is always giving an unexpected kiss, thank you Mommy, I love you, or the comment that melts my heart is YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND MOMMY! (I hope that she still feels this way after she goes to school.) This is when I realize that all of the sleepless nights, tears, and frustration is all worth it!!! The good definitely out weighs the bad!
I love her SO much, and I thank Paul all of the time for giving in and letting me have a baby. He will say now how different life would have been if we didn't have her. She completes us!

1 comment:

Emily Christine said...

Happy Mothers day! I love the new pics! Your a hot mamma!