We have had 3 successful days of learning colors!

Our 2
nd day was brown. It consisted of lots, and lots of brown food. =) We had wheat bread, peanut butter, chocolate milk, Dr Pepper, tacos with brown meat, and beans. It has been fun trying to think of new things for Savannah to remember her colors by.

Our 3rd day was yellow. We found out that Wendy's has yellow napkins, yellow cups, and that french fries are kind of yellow too! Savannah was very observant. She pointed out that the stripes in a parking lot were even yellow!!
Today is green. We are watching our
Salamander DVD, and we have our "matching" shirts on for the 3rd day in a row. =) Savannah has dressed in her frog costume (from a couple of Halloweens ago). I haven't figured out lunch yet. It might just have some food coloring involved, and lettuce!
I am so excited that she is catching on. It makes me feel proud. It's amazing how the little things can make your day!
How creative! I love it! And Savannah's smile is seriously the cutest smile in the world.
How do you come up with this stuff? Did you think of anything for black? You can borrow my electic spider and owl from Halloween :)
Honestly, I don't know where this idea came up. All the sudden it just appeared in my brain as something I hadn't tried yet. =) AND Savannah is a lot like me, and LOVES her food. So, I thought it would be an easy way for her to relate.
For black I had thought of black licorice, something to do with the street being black, olives (she can eat a whole can by herself), and you just gave a great idea with BUGS!! =) She loves bug collecting so we just might have to go and collect some black bugs such as ants! eeww, that's gross, but she loves it!
Hi Evonne. I know you go walking and running 5k's so I was wondering if you have a jogging stroller? I'm wanting to start jogging and want to get one, but I'm not so sure on the front wheel not swivelling, if it works ok for walking too. If you have one, how do you like it, and do you use it for walking and running? Thanks!
Hey Von!This looks like so much fun! Savannah is a lucky girl! ;) I love that you guys are wearing matching shirts. Is the green shirt your wearing in the bottom pic, the one I gave you? It's really cute.
I don't have a jogging stroller, but would LOVE to have one. I just need to be more dedicated to exercise before I buy one. So, give me a good 6 months of continuous exercise, and I'll let you know! =) It might never happen...I lose interest quick!
Yes, that shirt is the one you gave me!! Thank you!! Looks good on me huh!? lol!
you are so creative
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