We started off our weekend right...I got off early from work!! Paul and I took Savannah down to the Energy Solutions Arena for the pregame festivities. Savannah had so much fun dancing to the live band. She really wanted to play basketball, but she was too small for the hoops. =( While we were walking from the arena I saw this guy sitting down by a tree. I told Paul that he looked familiar (like from our ward or something). Paul just started to laugh at me, because it was Mark Madsen (who use to play for the LA Lakers a couple of years ago, and now plays for the Timberwolves I think). I am a complete dork. Paul can't say that I don't pay attention to sports...at least I could remember seeing him from somewhere. Shane came in town from Rexburg. =) Paul and I both said we didn't realize how much we missed him. Last week when Savannah got mad at Paul and I she yelled at me "I want my Uncle Shane!". So, to say that she was excited to see him would be an understatement! Of course we couldn't have a slumber party without having Paul and Shane rent a scary movie. Savannah and I laid in her bed listening to Disney music, while the boys laughed at how stupid the movie was. It was nice to see him even though the trip was short. We will be excited when he moves back for fall semester, and lives in Salt Lake by us. Here is a couple of pictures I took this morning. Savannah is explaining how she hurt her finger. I thought it was adorable how Shane acted so concerned for her. Savannah loves when people act really excited about her stories.
Sounds like fun!!
Savannah is the cutest little girl ever!! I just love her blonde hair! You always have it styled so cute.
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