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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Five Tag!

Jill "tagged" me on this, here goes nothing!

10 years ago:
I worked at RC Willey, and was a happy go lucky Senior in high school. Kyle and I shared a bedroom with bunk beds. Good times! I broke up with my fiance of 1 year...yup, let's not talk about that. lol. I remember traveling to Price by myself, and visiting my Aunt Joyce. It was my first experience that I felt really grown up. We took a trip to Jackson Hole, and had a blast. In 1998 I met Paul, and fell in LOVE! Aaah!

5 years ago:
Okay, so this would have been 2003...As my Christmas gift this year I got to get off birth control (We found out we were having Savannah in Feb '04). We had lived in our first home for about a year. It was around this time that Kyle came home from his mission, and we took a trip up to Boise. I also believe it was around 5 years ago that my Mom had her "range accident". =(

5 months ago:
Santa Claus came to our house. Savannah LOVED December, and so did I! It was our first Christmas in our new home. I got a new "big" tree. I have had the same 4 ft Christmas tree since our first year was time for an upgrade. We learned what a back flow valve is on our sprinkler system, when it cracked and sprayed water EVERY WHERE! =)

5 things on my to-do list:
Dr appt.
dentist appt.
clean Savannah's room
yard work

5 snacks I enjoy:
trolli eggs
movie popcorn
anything mint/chocolate
chips & salsa

5 things I would do if I became a billionaire:
Pay off my house =)
Quit RC Willey sooner than planned!
Open savings/college funds for my children.
Buy rental property.

5 of my BAD habits:
blog browsing too much
no patience with anything!
addiction to unhealthy foods

5 places I've lived:
West Jordan, UT
Holladay, UT
West Valley, UT
Bennion, UT

5 jobs I've had:
Fun Dome
RC Willey
I'm a loser, and haven't had 5 jobs in my lifetime! =)

5 things people don't know about me:
Before I say anything...I don't think that there are 5 things that I can come up with that people don't know. I like to talk too much! I'm going to try hard to think of some!

I broke my collar bone in 3rd grade.
My brother (Kyle) dropped a saw on my face, and I had stitches across my lip. =)
My nicknames are Levon Lovin' or De...(Thank you to my brothers for those.)
I would love to be a nurse, but it would take too much work! ha, ha!
I've never been pulled over by a tickets or accidents!

5 people I tag:
Jennifer R


Anonymous said...

Right you tag all the important people in your life...I might have some cool shish that you did not know about. To bad you can't try now.....dirt bag!

Unknown said...

Mom, you are a dork! Stop tryin' to be anonymous!! I knew right away from the "dirt bag" comment! =) I would "tag" you, but you don't have a blog...silly goose!