Landon, Tammy, and I ventured to West Point to the reception for John and Michelle. It was a backyard wedding, and I decided to wear high heels so that I could aerate their lawn for them! It was really pretty, and I am glad that I got to go with my friends who kept me highly entertained during it all. I made the "Just Married", of course I had to have a picture taken next to it. =)
Landon and I

You look super hot in these pics!
The site of her makes me want to barf! How stunning are you though!
I swear you get hotter and hotter each year. I love your hairstyle right now!!
Now, was this Michelle Hamblin's wedding by chance? Who did she marry if so?
Fill me in girl.
I know, I have been slacking BIG TIME on posting lately. Just been lazy! I need to post something though that I have been meaning to post for months now. Ooops. Can't wait to get out in this beautiful weather and take more pictures. You are SOOO kind!
Let's see more pictures of your gorgeous home!!
It was Michelle's wedding. She married John Tice. You would probaby remember him if you saw him. He was one of the delivery managers, but had to transfer. =) I kept waiting for you to notice the pic of her, and comment! lol. I knew it wouldn't be a pleasant site...
We are itchin' to get out in this warm weather too! I actually had to turn the A/C on in the car on the way to work! I love it!!
I definitely will be posting more pictures of our home. I finally have the front room done. Still have to get a new dining room table, and do the front entry. We are moving slowly, but surely in the right direction. I finally made it to TaiPan Trading. I bought some accessories that I LOVE!! Great store! Need to go back ASAP to make a flower arrangement for my front room. =)
Anyhoo...stop bein' lazy and blog some of your great photos!
Love you!
Okay, I love your hair this length. So cute!
And well... maybe I started stalking you beforehand because I have already read all these posts.
Or maybe I went back later and read them. :)
Either way, just call me stalker!
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