First off I have to say Kyle look at our "shrub thingy" we transplanted in the fall. It's actually blooming. That makes 1 out of 6 that looks good. =) I will be digging up the ones in the front yard, and buying new. They weren't as lucky in the transplanting as this one.
Paul called Savannah and I his "dirt"y girls. Savannah and I can't go a weekend without weeding, digging up something, making mud, etc. She loves it, and I have started to actually like it too!
Most of you didn't get to see our lawn when we moved in, but you would be AMAZED by how green our grass is. This house sat empty for over 6 months, and we didn't ever think we would see it green. With a little TLC it's come a long way. (click on the house picture to see it in a bigger size)
Look forward to some more pictures. I am excited to be planting my new shrubs in front, and lots and lots of flowers in my empty flower beds! =)
Everyone says the grass looks good. Kyle says he kicks __ __ __
You certainly know how to multi task and I am very impressed...love you tons, MOM
Grass looks great. If you get bored of cutting grass we have like 5 acres you can feel free to come and mow our lawn (lol).
Your house is also very nice and beautiful, I'm so proud of you and Paul..
you are the best blogger!! ha. i love reading everything you guys do. oh and i got savannahs message! tell her i love her and i will have to call her back because i'm dying to talk to her =)
The grass is DEFINITELY GREEN! You can tell you have really worked hard. I have always wanted to be a garderning type-of-person because my dad always was when I was growing up (like 1/2 an acre of garden every year), but I don't think it will ever happen. Maybe all those years of weeding have scarred me for life.
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