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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the debate begins.

Should I or should I not give birth naturally?

I wanted to with Van. I made it to about 7 cm, and Paul and the nurse talked me in to an epidural. The epidural started to wear off just about the time I needed to start to push...I'm not going to lie, it was painful. I swear I thought that I wasn't going to make it through. Oh, but I did make it through, and I was kind of glad that I had a little glimpse in to what natural childbirth at the end felt like.

Here I sit 5 years later toying with the same idea, should I try it this time?

I want your opinions. Do you think that it is just pure craziness to not use modern medicine? Do you feel like you are empowered when you have a natural childbirth? Maybe even more bonded with the baby? Let the comments roll in.


Kristina P. said...

I might change my mind when I actually get pregnant, but I am all about the drugs.

Krystal said...

@Kristina, I thought you already were pregnant? :) lol...

I have never been pregnant... but I don't like any of the options on how to get a baby out, so I'm all about the drugs... I don't like pain at ALL! Also, I personally don't see the point in bragging about enduring the pain when modern medicine makes it so painless (unless it wears off or doesn't work in the first place). Pretty much, I don't want to endure it!! And I do think that girls who do natural are stupid (there, I said it!) I don't care if it's "better" for the baby... I majored in human development and studied child birth a LOT and the drugs don't harm the baby, despite what fanatics might say. Ok, I'll step off my soap box now... it's easy to have an opinion when I've never done it, right?! :)

Frieda Loves Bread said...

1st=epidural; didn't feel a thing. 2nd=naturally, but very quick. Was painful, but out of my mind painful! Everyone has a different level of tolerance for pain, so if you need drugs, go for it...your not any less of a mom for doing so.

Cal said...

when I was trying to decide the same thing, a nurse did a little cheer for me while I was went something like this

They make the drug. (clap, clap, clap)
you take the drug (clap, clap, clap)

then she did the biggest high kick I have ever seen.

Lace said...

First of all I love your header! Cute!

I've had drugs both times and feel no shame, I am thankful for modern medicine. The second time it only worked on half of me and I didn't get them until late so I felt a good part of the whole thing. I would say if you do decide no drugs DO NOT get induced with pitosin, because it makes it so much more painful.
I know I am weird, but I LOVE the giving birth part! Love it so much, even with the pain, but without the pain it's a much more wonderful peaceful experience for me! Instead of me screaming "I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!" the whole time like last time!
ps I have a friend who did the hypnobirth if you want to hear about that sometime.

Rachel Sue said...

Okay, here's the thing: If you decide to give birth naturally do not go in just thinking you can do it. You need to take classes to deal with it. Trust me.

I had 3 babies with epidurals and one naturally. With baby #3 I made it to a 9 with no drugs but was so terrified to actually give birth that i made them give me the epidural. My friend told me about hypnobirthing classes. These were a lifesaver. I didn't have time for an epidural even if I had wanted one with #4. The classes teach you how to keep your body relaxed during labor and delivery so that the contractions aren't as intense. I'm not gonna lie, it still hurt, but it hurt a lot less with #4 than it did with #3 and I felt great a lot sooner. The bounceback after an epidural is a lot slower. It's like your body is going to make you feel it one way or another, and the epidural just delays the pain.

Enough of my soapbox. Good luck making your decision!

kendahl a. said...

I've decided that if I ever have a baby [big IF there!], I want to go naturally. My mom did with all four of us kids, and I've got a pretty high tolerance for pain so I think I can make it. :) Though I hear it is some of the worst pain in the world so just make sure you are prepared for it!

-nick and whitley- said...

my epidural wore off too.. i ended up needed it at about 3-4 cm. i know i know.. i'm a whimp. BUT then, when it wore off, i could feel quite a bit so i'm not that big of a whimp haha! AND i ended up having to pay A LOT for that epidural that wore off! gosh.. i have heard great things about the healing process after "natural" birth and how it's so fast and so great. i'm not sure though. i don't think i'd ever go that route. i'm just too big of a baby!

it's up to you girl! just like everyone else says.. you're not any less of a mom just because you want to have a little less pain!

Anonymous said...

My advice is....see how it goes! :-)

Anonymous said...

My advice is....see how it goes! :-)

Hailee said...

I agree that you need to see how it goes because every labor and delivery is different. You should have a plan but then not be afraid (or ashamed) if you decide something else. I myself LOVE the epidural because I can just relax and be calm before the baby comes and enjoy the labor and not be screaming in pain ( I don't have the highest pain tolerance). Either way you will get a baby and it doesn't make you less or more of a woman.

pamela said...

I love pain!!! I love it so much that I had my last child naturally. I hated having an epidural on my first. Why, because I love pain!! Don't be a weenie and go with the pain. It is such a badge of honor and you feel so much better than all the Moms out there who have had an epidural.

Sarah said...

I am a labor and delivery nurse - so take this for what you will. When epidurals "wear off" they usually aren't totally gone - just your contractions get stronger and your epidural can't keep up. So there is a little bit of help. I don't know if your last delivery was your first - but your length of labor is, on average, half the time, and pushing is much less. So time won't be as big of an enemy. So if you feel like that is the only thing holding you back - do not worry.
However - I don't think ANYONE should feel like less of a woman because they had an epidural and I don't think those who went without should hold themselves in higher esteem. Labor and Birth are some of the most amazing experiences you can ever have in your life - do what will make you enjoy and savor those moments the most.

Jenni and Chad Stewart said...

Hmm, it has to be a personal choice really. I always CHOOSE to have the epidural, but last time my labor was so fast there was no time for it. It was very painful, but I have to admit - the recovery was a LOT quicker than with my other 3. My biggest problem with going natural though was that I was not prepared - hence, I was freaking out and hyper-ventilating. After it was over I felt very traumatized. So if you DO decide to go natural - a class of some sort or at the very least a book to prepare yourself mentally. :)

Rebecca said...


Laura Marchant said...

Two kids, 5 epidurals. They never worked for me. It was more painful getting an epidural for me than the labor pains. I think my back is made wrong, lol.

Anonymous said...

What ever your pretty little heart tells you and you will know when the time comes. Best of luck for a short, fast and painless delivery!

marci said...

Never had any babies, but at this point, I say use drugs! I'm all about NOT feeling pain.

Michelle said...

I'm all for what Heavenly Father gave to the dr's and nurses to use to make us more comfortable. I thought about doing natural for about 5 seconds with Jenna...then I realized she would be a c-section anyway, so it didn't matter for me. Good luck on whatever you decide

Michelle said...

I'm all for what Heavenly Father gave to the dr's and nurses to use to make us more comfortable. I thought about doing natural for about 5 seconds with Jenna...then I realized she would be a c-section anyway, so it didn't matter for me. Good luck on whatever you decide

Jerilee E. said...

I agree that if you think you MIGHT want to go natural then take a class or two! I had an epidural with all 5 but only ONE that really worked. I never noticed a slower recovery time. I always just went as far as I could possibly go mentally before getting the drugs. I also LOVE thw labor/delivery part of pregnancy... if only it has to come after a long 9 months :).

Jerilee E. said...
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Jerilee E. said...

I also like spending the time right before my baby is born happy, excited and pain free... not swearing and miserable. ;)

Amber! said...

Wow, popular topic!!

If you get induced, get drugs. Being induced makes the contractions larger and more intense.
For Aiden, they gave me the epidural before the Pitocin. Didn't feel a thing. Couldn't walk for about three hours which was a bit bothersome but I'd take that over the contractions any day!

Jen's Happy Life said...

I believe it is personal choice, if you feel at that moment you need an epi then get one. It is what you want, and if you choose to have all that pain than that is your choice as well. To me both are fine. But then you get may get to relaxed and end up with no feeling so then you can't even tell when to push or not to push. Like I said PERSONAL CHOICE and depends on your pain tolerance..

laura said...

I agree that hypnobirth helps a lot. Visualization and relaxation techniques help you relax and the more relaxed you are the less pain you feel because your muscles aren't tense. (get the book- it does a better job of explaining. It makes a lot of sense.) Having an epidural forces you to stay in one position and makes pushing harder (because you can't feel it as much). Not that I'm totally anti - I've had one. But my 2nd baby was natural and pushing was a big difference! I don't think going natural makes you better, but yes it's definitely an empowering experience!

Check out these links:

brandon and jakell said...

I had all three of my children natural no meds to me it was completely worth it! My ex was all for me going no pain to show everyone i was strong, i was all for the meds..and told him i didn't give a crap I was the one having the baby I was getting all the drugs I could..but when it came time for my first child i had a fast paced delivery once my water broke and had no time to get anything. I was glad I didn't..and honestly I am the biggest wimp ask anyone!!!! My gallbladder surgery was a nightmare! It hurt like he** for the main entrance of my little girl into this world but over just as quick. I knew i'd always go natural after that, and did with my other two. Anyone who knows me was shocked.

I say go with your instincts and how much of a pain tolerance you have. In the end good luck!