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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

less and less sleep.

Van has always had a hard time sleeping through the night. She has been wonderful for about a year, until these past couple of weeks. She usually only wakes up once, and goes back to sleep quickly. I haven't been sleeping all that well myself so I actually find the "break" in my tossing and turning quite nice. I think that Van knows that I need to practice again for the new baby.
Last week was an extremely busy week for me. I was gone a lot, and I missed Van terribly. I missed Van at Tae Kwon Do. I missed Van playing with the grasshoppers. And most of all I missed all of our time together. It was hard.

One night Van woke up, and I quickly rushed to her side...I am not sure that Paul even hears her. When I got there Van said "I want my Daddy!" It broke my heart. I had been gone so much that she didn't want me to comfort her. I sat on the edge of her bed, and started to talk. Most of the time she isn't very alert, but as soon as she realized I was there for her...she woke right up.

She excitedly told me that in Tae Kwon Do she was the only one in her class that could "break bricks". I teared up. I had missed it. Major bummer!

After that night I decided that I will relish every moment...even if it means that I will get less sleep. I won't complain that my almost 5 year old needs me in the night, because I am just glad that she does still need me. I won't be grumpy in the morning from the lack of sleep, because I will know that I got extra time with my Van.

The days are quickly passing where it won't be just the 3 of us, it will be 4. I am taking advantage of all my one on one time with Van, and soaking up all her kisses and hugs!


Vanessa said...

aww yeah abby looked at me the other day and said oh hi mom look dad i have a mom today

and then i thought

not going anywhere for a week

Laura Marchant said...

Great post. Lately I have needed this reminder.

Rachel Sue said...

Way to be positive. My 5 yr. old still wakes up a couple of times a week and comes and climbs in bed with me. Most of the time I don't mind, but when she wants me to walk her all the way back to bed, I am not a happy camper!

Jeninator said...

You inspire me to be a better, more patient Mom. Thank you. :)

Krystal said...

aww... sweet Van... don't worry, she will never get sick of you... even as a grown up I still like knowing that my mom is there for me.

Kristina P. said...

You are awesome.

kendahl a. said...

You're such a good Mommy!

Brenda said...

How sweet. Yes, having another things will change but your love and concern for Van will not. You will find that you have a totally different but special love for your next little one (boy!).
It's sweet that you can have those special talks with Van and don't worry even being a stay at home mom you still miss out on things. Your not alone.

Cal said...

She will always need you. you are the best mom! cute post!

brandon and jakell said...

What a great reminder, so true! Life gets so busy and hectic. When I returned back to work after 6 years of being a stay at home mom, it broke my heart to miss it all because I worked nights and we didn't have our nightly bedtime rituals anymore, and on those nights I am away and they wake in the night they love to see me be there for them when they awake. And the more kids you add to the bunch the harder it is for that one on one time with work, school, sports and life in general. Good for you for soaking it all up!

marci said...

Yes, time flies so fast! She will be a teenager before you know it! Good to stop and soak it all up. I like your new photos BTW. :)

tlkcreations said...

You already know the citch' with my kiddo so... just enjoy the moments that you can with all of your heart even when they bug you for more! Time really does fly by way to fast, don't beat yourself up with the little stuff just cherish all of the time you do have! I love the new pic's... What? your not chinese? "not that there's anything wrong with that!"

Rebecca said...

Awww... it sounds so silly, but doesn't it feel so good to cherish these little moments?