I wondered if a plug in would do as well as a big warmer and folks...I am here to tell you that I have a pretty big master bedroom, and a plug in does the trick.
They are coming out with a new catalog with new warmers and scents in September. I was lucky enough to get together with Sam Jo for a sneak peak, and I swooned over the whole catalog! I am pretty sure I might need almost every one of their new scents, and let's face it...I even have a pregnant nose.
Sam Jo wants you to try a plug in. I chose white...so it could match every one's decor. If you don't need one...Christmas is only like 120 days away, and who doesn't need an extra present for that one person you might forget?!
If you really wanna win, here are your extra entry opportunities...
5 extra entries if you blog about it, tweet about it, facebook it, or become a follower.
10 extra entries if you e-mail me your address, and Sam Jo will send you a catalog!
Just leave all the deets in one comment, please.
Thanks for playin'! Can't wait to see who the lucky winner is!!! Contest will end August 30th @ Midnight.
does the first comment ever win? I mean really?? I beat Kristina!! SOOO... facebook status will be updated in about 30 seconds, and my addy will be sent to you in about a minute, so that's at least 15 entries!! Go me :) ANNND... I really need this because I have a new house and love sentsy, but can't afford all that stuff right now!
Okay, I blogged about it. And I've been wanting to try this stuff out. . .
i love my plug in and i would LOVE another one! wooo! also, I'll give you my address. i really need a catalog because i have GOT to buy some more stuff! so woo! also, i'm a follower and i've facebooked it! :)
I won even though I commented first noy long ago, so it can happen! So, I totally meant to order when you had your Scentsy order going before but didn't! I still have not tried it, so I definitely need a catalog! I will email you my address. I am a follower and will blog about it!
Sigh. I've been reading your Scentsy stories and I'm ready to try one. My MIL swears by the Yankee Candle plug-in's, but I'm too shy to tell her the smell OVERWHELMS her house.
I still haven't tried Scentsy, so I'd LOVE to win this plugin!! I blogged (http://www.dailydouz.com/scentsy-giveaway/) about it, tweet'd it and sent you my address. Crossing my fingers!
I just started using a regular warmer and I would love to have a plug in. Scentsy is the best...I am addicted :)
I tweeted at http://twitter.com/justicecw/status/3563894632
I became a follower too
thanks for the chance, justicecw@hotmail.com
I am on it! I will email you my address and I will blog about it.
I would love to win! I am now a follower.
Woot! I'm now a follower, and I emailed my address. Love this stuff!!
Want to win one of these nice items.. Will tweeter about it. My twitter is jenshappylife, add me. I am already following you and my email address is jenrichter08@hotmail.com for I really want one of these catalogs. THANKS
Pick Me! Pick Me! Pick Me!
Address sent-check
I NEED to win. :)
Von, I should have bought one of these from your party. I have heard great things about them...
Maybe just maybe I will be the lucky winner. Here is my e-mail
margbron82@yahoo.com and now I am on my way to FB to tell about it luv u.
6 pak
My sister received a Musical Notes Scentsy warmer as a gift and I'm jealous, it's really gorgeous. I love that Tangerine Tango scent.
I tweeted:
I'm a follower and you should already have my email address. Would love to win this =)
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