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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Things You Shouldn't Do In The FIRST Trimester...

  • Don't sleep in the same bed as your husband. All of you tossing, turning, and snoring will wake him up.
  • In the middle of the night while you are feeling nauseated...don't go turn on the Food Network, even though it is the only thing on. It will make you dry heave multiple times.
  • Don't try to write a food review for your blog, because you may or may not think the food looks good after you have already eaten it. Again dry heaving will occur.
  • Try falling asleep thinking of a Jamba Juice that you can't have at 3 works like a charm!

That's all for now! I am sure that I can come up with a few more for you, if needed!


marci said...

Yikes. Is there anything to look forward to in the first trimester?

Kristina P. said...

Well, I don't do any of that so I guess I'm not pregnant and it's a parasite!

Jill K said...

The first trimester is when the man who made you feel like (by knocking you up) that gets punched in his sleep. At least in my home that happens.

Brenda said...

Hope your not nauseated to much longer.=)

Rebecca is Thrilled by the Thought said...

Maybe we should start a petition for Jamba Juice to be open 24 hours? I'll sign it!

Amber! said...

So, does this mean that Paul is getting the boot to the couch?