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Thursday, August 6, 2009

what can I say...I am addicted.

Do you remember when I posted about Scentsy here and here...and I am pretty sure there were more posts than that?!

Ever since I had my first Scentsy party, I have become addicted. It is kind of pathetic. I have two big warmers, and a plug in...and I have to get more. Even Paul didn't think much of it when I was telling him about Scentsy, and he was caught talking about how great it is a couple of weeks ago.

I love switching my scents out A LOT, probably too much. If I didn't feel like I was wasting wax I would do it every day. I have tried a few new scents, but I am kind of a newbie at this. Can you imagine my shock and horror when I found out there is a long list of scents and warmers being discontinued?! I can't let them go away without trying more, and of course stocking up on some of my favorites!

This is the warmer that I have my eyes is pressed penny, and would match my bathroom perfectly!! Did I mention it is also being discontinued? {tear}
Okay, so I am just going to have a virtual party. Everything this month is 10% off, and you best go and purchase one of the many things that is going away. =(
Click here to order!
If you don't want to pay shipping...I will happily deliver it to you!
AND at the end of my virtual party there will be a giveaway!
-k- bye, bye now!


Unknown said...

I am so freaking out right now! How do I find out which scents they are discontinuing? I have become addicted since Callee's party and I swear I am going to have a meltdown if they discontinue my favorite scents!

Unknown said...

The better question is what aren't they discontinuing! It is a long list! =( I will e-mail you!

Kristina P. said...

I don't think I really even know what Scensty is!

I hope you're doing well! I haven't seen much of your "gang" (Amber, Jones, etc.) around lately!

Jeninator said...

perfect timing! I've been wanting to order!

Anonymous said...

I could use one of those lists. Need srays.


Anonymous said...


Cal said...

will you email me a list too or does she have it on her website? I will put an order in

Cal said...

I want to place an order

-nick and whitley- said...

umm.. it's saying my card number is invalid?? haha.. it's really not. promise. :) i'd order if i could! i even have all my scents picked out..

Kings said...

I'm with you. I have become obsessed! I have 3 warmers and like 7 different scents...but I'm always looking for more! :)

-nick and whitley- said...

ope. nevermind. it worked when i refreshed!

Jerilee E. said...

Still have not tried Scentsy.. maybe now is the time. What's a good scent? Nothing too flowery.

Cranberryfries said...

I love scentsy. I am a huge fan. Is black raspberry vanilla available? Let me know, I might order some from ya!