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Monday, October 19, 2009

the difference.

This pregnancy has been so different.
This pregnancy started off rocky. I didn't want to get excited, I was and still am afraid of it going bad. With Van I was excited from day one, I might have been a little naive thinking nothing could go wrong.
This pregnancy I swear I have been sick for longer. I was sick for a long time with Van, but I started to have good days in the mix. Maybe it's just been 5 years, and I have forgotten. Thankfully.
This pregnancy I crave bean and cheese burritos with green sauce from Del Taco...constantly. With Van it was Burger King french fries.
This pregnancy I have felt little flutters, occassionally. Van was a strong little thing, and Paul had already felt her move at this point.
This pregnancy I can't get enough sleep. I could sleep all day (just ask Paul). I was a lot more active with Van.
Are you wondering the same thing as I am? Does this mean it's a boy?


Kristina P. said...

That would be awesome!

Laura Marchant said...

The thought of a bean and cheese burrito with green sauce just made me want to throw up.
Strange, I swear I am not pregnant, lol

Emily Christine said...

I think you are having a boy! :)

Unknown said...

Even when I eat the burrito I know it is wrong in every way, and I still can't help myself. Even the stuff that oozes out, I scrap up and that had to make someone throw up. =)

Cranberryfries said...

The exhaustion thing for me got worse with each one. I think it's because I had other people to entertain and care for but with the first it's just you and hubby you know? Can't wait to find out. Those are some good differences.

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Are you finding out what it is? I can't remember if you are or not...if so, when do you get to find out!?!?

Burkes said...

You must be so excited!!!

Unknown said...

Yes we are finding out, I don't think I could have that big of a surprise EVER. We are finding out soon, very soon!

Tiffany said...

I can't wait to find out what you're having!!! Both of my pregnancies were VERY different but I have 2 boys... But I will keep my fingers crossed that it's a boy!!

Jerilee E. said...

I always felt more sick and tired with my boys :). I'm not just saying this because I think it's a boy. Can't wait to know! Hope you can get to a more comfortable place soon :(.

Krystal said...

I'm rootin for a boy... I can't wait to find out! Either way, you're guaranteed a good present from me :)

Unknown said...

I had different food cravings with both my boys but other than that both pregnancies were similar for me. I'm wishing a boy for you!!

Michelle said...

ummmm...from my immense experience of being pregnant, I say you are having PS, I meant to ask you, do you keep your current ultrasound pics posted on your cubicle wall? (Do you even remember that?)